question for international owners

7 April 2000
To european and other owners: how common is automobile vandalism in your country? The previous owner of my NSX told me that the right rear fender of my car rear was "keyed"
a few months before he sold it to me. This also happened to an RX7 that I used to own. In the US, it almost seems that inevitable that if you own a nice car and park it in public places commonly, someone will vandalize it eventually. I wonder if such vandalism is largely unique to the US/Canada or if this happens with any degree of frequency in other countries.
In the US, it almost seems that inevitable that if you own a nice car and park it in public places commonly, someone will vandalize it eventually.

I don't think vandalism is that common in the U.S.

I know a lot of NSX owners in the Chicago area (probably 40-50 or more), some who live and/or work in the city, others in the suburbs, and I know of only one case where a car was vandalized, and it was by a jealous ex-wife - long story, but not anything that most of us have to worry about.

Of course, we're generally pretty careful about where we park - in attended garages in the city, and not on the street in lower-income neighborhoods, for example - but vandalism is not something I worry much about. Yes, it happens, but it's not as common as you seem to imply. And I think Chicago is pretty typical of the rest of the country.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 19 December 2001).]
In Switzerland, I park quite often in public places and I've never had any vandalism... but I receive many compliments instead!

In Italy and Germany I've a more limited experience but anyway I park without fearing vandalism and till now nothing happened...
I would tend to think that the younger owners
put themselves at risk of vandalism more than
others, based just on where they take their cars. Younger people tend to "go out" more, to places where the crowds might contain people more susceptible to causing vandalism.
I suspect that most vandalism, regardless of type, is caused by some sort of jealousy.JMO,
no offense to you younger guys who have worked hard enough to have such a nice car.
XLNT points, NSXLNT.

One other point - those "places where the crowds might contain people more susceptible to causing vandalism" might be, more specifically, places where alcohol is served. IOW it's not just that those people might be more susceptible, but that their inebriated state might make them more susceptible.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 20 December 2001).]