Another alternative would be to go to the UK, buy one there. Registering etc in the EU (the UK follows EU rules) is easy and after a year you can take it to Oz as a personal possession.
My friend registered a car in his name in the UK and he was there illegally (no visa). Used my address there. He still drives the car around but has trouble with insurance because he doesn’t have a UK driving licence.
But there is a system there whereby you can have the car in your name, but “taken off the road” (SORN).
So then the car is yours in your name, your personal property, you just don’t drive it (also then you are free of road tax, well, anyway, no big deal its only £250 per year)
UK NSXes are not especially expensive or anything…and are RHD of course.
This system would not work in other EU countries because of the “sign in” system, but anyway the steering wheel would be on the wrong side for you…
Also, when I was last in Oz, I noticed a few LHD cars. They all had REALLY big ugly signs on the back saying “CAUTION- DANGER EEK:
This car is a Left Hand Drive Vehicle. It will eat you if you get too close” or something like that.
Is that still the case?
In the UK there are many LHD cars and trucks on the road, they are not a problem, no signs on them or anything.
What a world…