Question about PPI

28 March 2006
Currently in Alexandria, VA
Alot of people on this forum suggests that a PPI is done when purchasing a used NSX. I am currently in the market to purchase one so I would appreciate it if someone can elaborate on what exactly a PPI is, and how I would go about getting one. Thanks again.
PPI= "Pre Purchase Inspection" which can be done at the Acura dealer, they pretty much inspect everything on the car and then give you the thumbs up or thumbs down about the car.
I would suggest identifying a mechanic with a lot of NSX experience in the area where the car is located. In some areas, there are one or two specific dealerships with a lot of NSX service experience; in others, there are one or two independent mechanics with that background.

The difference is, your average Acura dealer that doesn't have NSX expertise will look at the same things on an NSX that they look for on any other car - things like brake pad thickness, tire tread depth, etc. One with NSX expertise would know what is normal and what is not, and would (hopefully) notice NSX-specific things like a noisy aspirator fan, improperly sized tires, modifications, etc.

Usually the potential buyer pays for the PPI, but the seller makes the appointment and transports the car to and from the mechanic performing it.
Jai015 said:
Alot of people on this forum suggests that a PPI is done when purchasing a used NSX. I am currently in the market to purchase one so I would appreciate it if someone can elaborate on what exactly a PPI is, and how I would go about getting one. Thanks again.

you should update your profile to reflect where you live, this way others can suggest who's hot and who's not. Where is the NSX located?