I have a few questions regarding custom plates in California. I currently live in NJ but will be moving to CA within a few years. In the meantime however, I'd like to know if it is possibe to "reserve" my custom plate (so that nobody can take it) by having it registered to a relative who lives in the state. I visited the CA DMV site and found a box to check if I wanted it as a gift, but what exactly does that mean? Also, if I can do this, then will I have a problem transferring the ownership of the plate to me when time comes? I have no problem with paying the annual retention fee, but what are the rules regarding that? I know some of these questions maybe a bit obvious, but the FAQs on the DMV site was almost nonexistant. Thanks in advance.
[This message has been edited by RaptorX (edited 29 August 2002).]
[This message has been edited by RaptorX (edited 29 August 2002).]