Quantum Physics and Consciousness

I enjoyed reading the first article. I found it to be quite interesting. I don't have time to read the second article now, but I will probably read it tomorrow (at work).
JChoice: Great reads! I enjoyed both.

I have no academic background in these fields, but both (and the correlation of the two) fascinate me. I've read several books, below are a few. Can anyone suggest others that might be of interest?
  • I thought The Holographic Universe had many interesting concepts and cited many examples, but did not prove much of anything. It was entertaining, nonetheless.
  • Hawking's classic A Brief History of Time explains how the universe came to be what it is and how we (physicists) learned what we know about the universe. All explained in simple, clear, non-technical language.
  • In Search of Schrodinger's Cat - it's been many years since I read this and I need to re-read. If I recall correctly, it mostly covered the basic quantum theory topics: wave vs. particle, observation (measuring) and probability, etc.
  • Brian Greene's Elegant Universe provides an introduction to superstring theory, explained very clearly.
I could spend days (weeks, months) reading this stuff. If only I had the time.
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I guess I am sort of geek when it comes to this stuff, but then again that is why I majored in Molecular & Cellular Biology. :D

Thanks for the interesting reading material.
After reading the first article I remebered why I tagged on a "pre-med" after electrical engineering...

I'll definitly read the second article when time is not a concern.
For nerds only...

FYI: PBS's Nova is airing "The Elegant Universe," a three-part series on string theory starting this week. It will be hosted by Brian Greene, who has a book by the same title, mentioned above.

Visit the PBS's Nova site for information, including times. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/elegant/ - It looks impressive.

BTW: The site mentions the entire series will be available for viewing online after it has aired on TV.
pretty interesting theory(ies) in the first article. Seems like this ties in with some of the recent discoveries regarding universe/space.

The more of this I've read over the years the more justified 'perception creates reality' becomes.