Quabbin Drive?

21 September 2002
Lawrence, MA
Well I know it's only been like 3 weeks but hey the tress are already starting to change colors and the weather is suppose to be beautiful this weekend so why not. I've asked a couple of friends and MR2oc members and so far got 2 other people interested in this drive. The more the merrier I guess lol. Well if you are interested just post up interest and I'll update you guys if it's gonna happen later on tonight I'm just waiting to how much people are actually interested.
Anthony, there is a crew heading out that way on Sunday morning. I'm thinking of joining them -- I'll forward you the email. Anyone else who wants to join let me know and I'll send along the contact info.
Hey James let me know of you do go I might be able to go... my Power steering just went out and apparently it was my relay so now it's working fine... I might be able to go depending what time you guys are going to do so.