Puzzle: Rubik's cube only 10 times worse!

11 July 2002
Orange County, CA
There has to be an algorithmic, mathematical way to solve this puzzle.

I can solve a regular Rubik's cube, only not as fast as the competitors from "That's Incredible." But this one here is beyond me.

How it works: Each square that you click on becomes the center of the cube's rotation. The more you click, the more you move the entire side away from it's proper place. The problem is putting every color back where they belong.

Enjoy, but a fair warning, you WILL get frustrated and probably last only a few minutes. Most of my friends gave up after only 30 seconds.

Magic Cube

I managed to get one side of the middle cube done plus 9 other blue pieces.

When I was younger, I could do the Rubik's cube in 75 seconds consistently. I once was on a world record pace to complete it in under 20 seconds but the cube blew up with under 10 cranks to go when I twisted the cube when it was just too much out of alignment. :(
W said:
I managed to get one side of the middle cube done plus 9 other blue pieces.

When I was younger, I could do the Rubik's cube in 75 seconds consistently. I once was on a world record pace to complete it in under 20 seconds but the cube blew up with under 10 cranks to go when I twisted the cube when it was just too much out of alignment. :(


Rubik's in 75 seconds is pretty good. I was never that fast. I could complete it in about 100 seconds when I was young. Still play with the Rubik's now and then.
