Punk kids! Non-NSX related...

11 March 2000
Posting this just 'cause I'm too aggravated to go back to bed - laying there a few minutes ago trying to get to sleep when I hear a noise that I can't place so I jump to the window and there are two teenage boys walking down the street after knocking over my trash can! 3 seconds flat I'm down the stairs and out in the street confronting them telling them in my best command presence voice "pick it up NOW". The one kid told his buddy not to make an issue of it when the kid who must have actually knocked it over tried to give me his hard guy look. He, reluctantly, picked up the can and, at my insistence, the spilled trash. So far so good. Now, I get to spend the rest of the night worrying about the two cars in the driveway.
Just kills me to spend all this money for nice stuff, live in a nice neighborhood, and have the people diagonally across from me house the only troublemakers in the whole area. They have teenage girls. What do teenage girls attract? Right. Testosterone loaded teenage boys. Only house in the neighborhood that ever gets visited by the local gendarmes. Arrrghgg!

Andrew Henderson
The NSX Model List Page

"We have long acknowledged that enthusiasm for things automotive is a sure
sign of emotional instability if not outright dementia"
- Brock Yates
i feel your pain as i have to deal with problems related to the same issues about taking action and then having to worry about retaliation.
Originally posted by MYNSX:
I will NEVER have kids.These are the reasons.

Pardon me but what a ridiculous statement. There are bad drivers out there but you presumably still drive, right? There are people out there who make lousy lovers but you presumably still enjoy some form of "whoopie" right? Just because some people don't know how to raise children shouldn't prevent you from having them. Just ensure that *your* kids are not part of the problem!
I will say that kids like the ones that I met last night are the main reason that I spend a couple of grand a year on private education over and above the thousands that go in taxes to the town schools... I'd rather be spending that money on go-fast crack pipe stuff but some things actually are more important...

Andrew Henderson
The NSX Model List Page

"We have long acknowledged that enthusiasm for things automotive is a sure
sign of emotional instability if not outright dementia"
- Brock Yates
Eventually Teenaged girls leave home... and your delinquent, angry young men will fade from your concern.


Originally posted by lemansnsx:
Pardon me but what a ridiculous statement. There are bad drivers out there but you presumably still drive, right? There are people out there who make lousy lovers but you presumably still enjoy some form of "whoopie" right? Just because some people don't know how to raise children shouldn't prevent you from having them. Just ensure that *your* kids are not part of the problem!

I agree and "must" be more specific.
This is why I'll wait till I'm better qualified and not "create" another problem
for the world.I'd rather have been "part" of the solution.To many people have children to "get" something the child(a sense of completeness,happiness..etc.)
You are supposed to have a child because you have something to "give".
Originally posted by MYNSX:
I agree and "must" be more specific.
This is why I'll wait till I'm better qualified and not "create" another problem
for the world.I'd rather have been "part" of the solution.To many people have children to "get" something the child(a sense of completeness,happiness..etc.)
You are supposed to have a child because you have something to "give".

Bless you my son!

Andrew Henderson
The NSX Model List Page

"We have long acknowledged that enthusiasm for things automotive is a sure
sign of emotional instability if not outright dementia"
- Brock Yates
Originally posted by MYNSX:
Originally posted by lemansnsx:
Pardon me but what a ridiculous statement. There are bad drivers out there but you presumably still drive, right? There are people out there who make lousy lovers but you presumably still enjoy some form of "whoopie" right? Just because some people don't know how to raise children shouldn't prevent you from having them. Just ensure that *your* kids are not part of the problem!

I agree and "must" be more specific.
This is why I'll wait till I'm better qualified and not "create" another problem
for the world.I'd rather have been "part" of the solution.To many people have children to "get" something the child(a sense of completeness,happiness..etc.)
You are supposed to have a child because you have something to "give".

My sentiments exactly MYNSX. Bad parenting is the root of Juvenile delinquency. One shouldn't have kids just to satisfy his/her ego, but rather to contribute to the human race in a positive manner.

To LemansNSX:

I'm more than happy to take them out (the f'd up little punk that kicked your trash can and gave you the dirty look) with ANY weapon you choose, for 25 cents per ammo. What a DEAL! I've got everything short of AAMRAAM or Trident missiles in my arsenals. But you have to provide food, lodging, and travel expenses of course....

You know, come to think of it, maybe the punk got dumped by the girl because the other boy she's seeing has a bigger GUN (
), which explained his aggression toward your trash can. I'd rather he beat up my trash can any time he wants to BUT he has to PICK IT UP and put it away neatly when he's done venting his steam instead of taking it out on her with a punch or something worse, like GUNS or knives!!
Just a thought anyway.

[This message has been edited by Zanardi 50 (edited 26 July 2002).]