Check the shifter linkage and cable first. You will need to make sure they are in good working order even if you R&R the tranny. I think it is possible for the bushings to bind in such a way to make shifting progressively worse.
Biggest pain will be getting the clutch to align, putting it back together. Make sure to mark the suspension adjustments before you start un-bolting the camber adjusters, toe links will keep their adjustment. I am sure you need to remove your brake lines to have enough movement on the knuckles to swing the axles out of the housing. Wrap rags aroung the axle splines and zip tie them in place to keep from bunging the ends. Make sure to have the special clutch grease on hand for the throw out bearing and engagment fork.
Pages 13-6 to 13-10 give you step by step instructions so you know what you are up against. Take your time and you will do fine, nothing is hard to do with this job, just lots of steps. You will be taking out 2 of the 4 motor mounts so make sure the engine is held securely while you are working.