
27 March 2000
Palos Verdes, CA
Everyone guessed it was coming, but now it is official!





I haven't read anything yet about this version of GT4. I'm hoping I'll find out at E3...especially interested in seeing if the mobile version will be networkable with the PS2 version...I don't see why they wouldn't go that route considering the PSP has built-in USB2.0 and 802.11b!
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I have 2 copies of GT4, one in Jap and one in Chinese, that I bought while i was home in malaysia, they were out last November.

I do like the portable console though!
No, Gran Turismo 4 for PS2 is not out yet (I'm still waiting for an official release date).

The game you have is Gran Turismo 4: Prologue (basically a glorified demo disc). I too have the Japanese's just a teaser of what the final game will be.

Gran Turismo 4 Mobile has not really been announced fact, I haven't been able to find more about it other than these photos (and various news items mentioning that GT4 footage was included in clips that were shown at Sony's E3 press conference earlier today)
damn! you're right! its does say Prolougue! Oh well!
akira3d said:
Everyone guessed it was coming, but now it is official!
...especially interested in seeing if the mobile version will be networkable with the PS2 version...I don't see why they wouldn't go that route considering the PSP has built-in USB2.0 and 802.11b!

It is possible since the PSP has USB to connect it to the PS2 via the USB Ports in the front of the unit. While that typically is used for input devices, you can imagine at least using the PSP as a controller that way. Interesting to see if it supported video to the screen that way.

I can't imagine that the PSP woudl use 802.11b?! With 802.11g taking over for most of the world, b isn't as viable as g going forward. Nice shots Akira, good job. Can't wait for E3 results. Keep us all posted.
I came across this from a reliable source:

<B>Gran Turismo 4 release date</B> - Sony Computer Entertainment America announced a firm release date for Gran Turismo 4. Confirming delay rumors, SCEA revealed the game will ship during November 2004.
I don't understand why you would want to play GT4 on a mobile gaming system... It looks like the controller only supports digital inputs. When was the last time driving included a field of vision that is only 4" big and you used the tips of your fingers to steer the car?
Well, on Day 1 of E3 I inspected this unit up close and personal.

The little bump directly below the digital pad is an analog thumb "stick". It slides a bit differently than a stick and feels a little awkward due to how low it is positioned on the unit, but it is still quite useable. None of the demos at E3 used it, so I can't quite say how it feels in actual play, but the overall unit looks and sounds (with headphones) amazing.

The 16x9 screen will initially strike you as being HUGE when you hold it...when others hold it, all you see is a glorious widescreen display of bright and bold color sitting between their hands. Playing games and movies on this device will be a total treat.

The footage of GT4 Mobile they showed running on a PSP (albeit canned footage) looked exactly like the PS2 counterpart...and Sony is making a bold claim right on the bottom of the GT4 Mobile box:

"Gran Turismo 4 Mobile, coming from the Gran Turismo series, is the PSP version of the real driving simulator. Its product quality is not at all inferior to its PS2 counterpart, and is compatible to competition over wireless LAN, a unique feature to the PSP."

I've confirmed that PSP will support competition over wireless LAN...both over the Internet and peer-to-peer!

So there you have it! I would have liked to see actual playable games, but the interactive demos were impressive nonetheless...very remniscent of the first demos we saw on PS2.

You could feel it in the air...PSP is going to be a tremendous success for Sony. Everyone I spoke to said they'd be first in line to own one regardless of price (I too can't wait)!
Its a slick looking device.. but I think they really need to get the battery life up. 2 Hours is not going to be enough... Thats barely enough for the endurance races on GT series :)

If they made it 10 hrs like the next gen Nintendo Gameboy I'd definetly get one!
Actually, Sony estimates battery life at 10 hours for music, 8 hours for games, 2 hours for movies. And there are rumors of a spare battery pack for extending the life.

I personally don't have any issues with the unit being 802.11b...since that's how my PS2 is already networked. Besides, 802.11g is backwards compatible to b, so you can use the PSP with a 802.11g router.
akira3d said:
Actually, Sony estimates battery life at 10 hours for music, 8 hours for games, 2 hours for movies. And there are rumors of a spare battery pack for extending the life.

Wow that is good! I want one now!!:)

I wonder why the battery power is only 2 hours for movies?
FuryNSX said:
I imagine with it constantly decompressing compressed video, it's totally maxing out CPU performance. That'll eat up power big time!!

A CPU intensive game would have the same effect then... Maybe its the motor in the drive? with a movie its spinning it all the time.. while with a game it only access it when it needs a data dump.

Don't know... Anyway as long as Sony comes out with some good games for it I'm in :D (and doesn't try to cram a cell phone into the PSP like the N-gage)

Can't wait to get my hands on one!
I figured the battery life difference was based solely on the amount of disc spinning required (movies would be spinning the disc at maximum rate for the entire could use the unit's 32MB RAM as a serious buffer). If this is true, however, games which stream data would obviously consume battery life far faster than games that can play entirely within there is still good reason to be concerned about the battery life.

As for the games, support seems extremely strong. Sony isn't messing around. EA is going to take PSP as seriously as they did PS2. All of the major publishers seem to be positioning their top licenses for PSP release. I can't see this system failing.

What I find kind of amusing is that as I currently play more GBA SP than I play my consoles purely because I can pull it out whenever I get a spare moment. I rarely get enough time to spend even an hour in front of the TV these days, so quick pick up games are about all I have time for. I can see myself playing the PSP more than my PS2 once I have it for the very same reason.