PS3 Experience!

20 May 2006
Just got a Viewsonic Cine 1000; 1920X1080, 480p, 1080i projector

and a


What speaker do I use? A Digital Optical Speaker set? HDMI Speakers System?

BTW the resolution is great. Gt a Great Deal!!!

Anyone else play the PS3? With HDMI? What you think?

Just got a Viewsonic Cine 1000; 1920X1080, 480p, 1080i projector

and a


What speaker do I use? A Digital Optical Speaker set? HDMI Speakers System?

BTW the resolution is great. Gt a Great Deal!!!

Anyone else play the PS3? With HDMI? What you think?


I use HDMI for the video. Unfortunately it seems that HDCP is enforced at all times/resolutions, so no HDMI->DVI, even for games! So I can't play PS3 on my Dell 24" display (although I can do 1080p using VGA from the 360). I picked up a PlayStation component cable but I haven't tried it out yet.

Although the audio is fed thru the HDMI to our living room tv and it will come out the TV speakers, I primarily just use the optical output for the audio, since my Onkyo receiver (TS-DX 777) is too old to include HDMI, but it's still a very solid unit and I see no need to upgrade yet. So if you already have a surround setup, use what you've got. If you're going to be buying more equipment, then it may be worth picking up something that supports HDMI switching.

I rented and played through Resistance, it was pretty fun. Worth checking out if you like FPS. Ridge Racer was so lame I returned it early. Mostly so far my gf has been using it to play Katamari :)

I haven't picked up a PS3 yet, but I play my Xbox 360 on a 110" drop down projection screen with a 1080i projector and 6.1 surround using optical. :biggrin: