PS2 or X-Box

While the X-Box may have some technical/performance advantages over the PS2, I don't like the idea of having to "update" your X-Box with patches in order to play some games. That's a definite no-no in my book when it comes to consoles.
Microsoft is trying to grab great market share with the price drop. So it may hurt Sony financially if they have to follow suit, or lose market share if they don't.

Personally I think the the XBox is a bit better than PS2. I've played some PS2 games and they don't feel as "crisp" as XBox.

I'm sure NeoNSX will say neither, and recommend a PC instead.
I asked the same ? a couple of years ago after I purchased the xbox. If you have kids I wouldn't buy it, not enough games IMO that are suited for their younger age group, which some pointed out to me after the fact. I got a game cube for them. If I had to do it over again I would have got a ps2 only because I have a 54" big screen and enjoy auto racing & aircraft games only. Xbox has only Gotham City I & II, but nothing to match the G-Turismo stuff with real tracks the PS offers. Don't get me wrong, you may like the xbox selections, and GothamCity II is so fast its hard to beat with foot pedals & steering wheel, however I wished I could race on some tracks on cold winter nights and the xbox isn't getting me there yet.

I guess you should check the selections both offer and make your choice.
Xbox definately. The games available are the ones i want to play.
I'm also a Halo addict. But i also had a dreamcast and a neo-geo.
i have good taste;)
Game machines are about gaming. Buy the machine to play the games you want to play. Many games are not available on both systems so buying both machines is the best way to go.

If you want a plug-n-play racing game, GT3/4 for PS2 will be the way to go.
I now own a PS2, Gamecube, and Xbox...and I still favor the PS2 because it has the larger games library with more quality must-have titles.

I personally don't like the fact that you have to pay for a subscription to Xbox Live (online enabled PS2 games are typically free)...but I've been using my free two month subscription to play Crimson Skies quite often and will probably cave when Halo 2 comes out.

In general, I don't find Xbox games more impressive than PS2 games. And I typically prefer playing games on consoles over PCs (first person shooters being a significant exception).

Xbox and PS2 will likely drop to $99 at some point in the near future, but to say that doing so will hurt Sony is ridiculous. Microsoft loses money on every Xbox built. Sony has so much market share that a Microsoft price drop won't eat too heavily into their domination. PS2 is the clear champ this generation...Xbox and Gamecube are merely fighting for second place.
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I don't own any game console (PC is the only way :D ) but my mates do, and they say the PS2 is the only way to go. I would have to agree for one reason - Grand Turismo :D

<B>AJNSX</B> : The "Neo-geo" has a cool name, but e-x-p-e-n-s-i-v-e games. ;)
I say PS2 for the reasons already given by others.

More than a couple people I know have had technical problems with their XBox. I hear the graphics are better on XBox, but if I had to choose again, I'd choose PS2 again.
AJNSX : The "Neo-geo" has a cool name, but e-x-p-e-n-s-i-v-e games.

very true, but i worked in the console retail industry for eight years or so and had contacts for second hand games (I'd have never bought them new!) Back then the neo-geo was the shiznit (good stuff)
ajnsx said:
very true, but i worked in the console retail industry for eight years or so and had contacts for second hand games (I'd have never bought them new!) Back then the neo-geo was the shiznit (good stuff)

Ahhh... the good old days of the SNES and Genisis/Megadrive. :D Hardcore 16-bit gaming! Woah! :D

I remember checking out the Neo-Geo... talk about serious hardware. It was the "daddy" of consoles. :D Instead of a 'gamepad' it came with a heavy-duty arcade joystick. The coolest game was "Final Fury" except it was hard to get in Australia at the time (and 4-6 times the price of a single SNES game! :eek:)

Ah memories... now i feel old.
I'd go PS2. The big boomerang controller just doesn't work for me. Plus Xbox really doesn't have too many games that I really have to play. In that respect I think microsoft really missed the boat.
The coolest game was "Final Fury" except it was hard

uh uh, samurai showdown was the game for neo-geosters and king of fighters which combined all the characters from the other games. Yeah the joypads rocked!

It was King thats why i wanted it, kinda like the nsx.

I like the xbox controller better than the ps2, i've never had a malfunction with my xbox either.

Vectrex, what a hideous piece of machine that was and the atari jaguar now THAT had a hideous controller!