Proud uncle!!!!

10 December 2002
My nephew was given a test distributed by Duke University to students across the country. The test had a score perameter from 880-1295. My nephew scored a 1382!!!! Now he will be taking the SAT this November at the request of the University. Im sure this doesn't sound THAT impressive to most, but the kicker is that my nephew is 11 yrs old. :D :D Not bragging, just damn proud!!!!
I told him I would give him my car when he graduates high school. By then I will have a newer one, of course I thought that would be in about 7 yrs :confused:
If he does well on the SATs and is advanced to high school, its his!!! I told him this a few years ago as an encintive but sheesh, who knew.
Incentive an encintive.....

We know where the smarts are in your family. :p

Just to set the record straight for people that may think I have caveman mentality because of the way I "pick" on people. From a few weeks ago, I scored 138 on the IQ test. Rather surprising because I scored a 125 some +20 years ago in school. Perhaps the gain is from "street smarts". :cool:
loNfastNSX said:
I told him I would give him my car when he graduates high school. By then I will have a newer one, of course I thought that would be in about 7 yrs. :confused:
If he does well on the SATs and is advanced to high school, its his!!! I told him this a few years ago as an encintive but sheesh, who knew.

loNfastNSX said:
.... The test had a score perameter from 880-1295. My nephew scored a 1382!!!! ...
I wasn't educated in this country & not really familiar with the nuances of SAT's, so pardon me if this seems like a stupid question:
If the score paramater [note the spelling ;)] is from 880-1295, how does one score 1382?
Hehehe...that's awesome! I'm hoping for a lot of wisdom and understanding to go along with that amount of brain power.