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Prospeed/Brian Dinh - Delay & Screw Up Undeserved 2nd Chance

1 April 2006
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Some of you may know of my fiasco in buying the Prospeed Turbo Kit but i am one who believes in giving others a second chance. So I placed an order with Prospeed/Brian Dinh for a full Stoptech BBK after he promised me it "should only take 3-5 days to be assembled and delivered to" Prospeed and he will then ship it out to me ASAP.

So I wired a deposit to him on 1 December 2010 and Prospeed acknowledged receipt on 3 December 2011. What was supposed to take 3-5 days ended up taking more than 2 months and still counting. I paid him in full on 20 January 2011.

On 29 January 2011, Prospeed emailed me to say "Also the brakes are arriving today Nd everything will ship out next week. No more delays".

On 5 February 2011, Prospeed emailed me to say "Sorry for it taking longer than expected but I will and everything out next week."

On 10 February 2011, Prospeed emailed me to say "I'm trying to make it out to him[Brian's friend with the shipping account] to ship on Friday."

On 17 February 2011, Prospeed claimed he has "dropped off the parts to my shipper he will ship it out soon."

I still dont have news of when the stoptech bbk will be shipped to me.

What is supposed to take 3-5 days is taking 3 months now. In the meantime i have bought NA2 ABS upgrade, Titanium Dave's suspension package, ATS LSD and Ikeya Sequential shift on Yahoo Auction Japan. All of these items were bought much later than my stoptech purchase from Prospeed but all were delivered to me!!!!

I know some of you will tell me to be patient and wait for my BBK but a promise must be honored and not broken. More so if the promisee has given the promisor a second chance for his earlier screw up.

Delivery time is an important factor in one's buying decision. It is just not right for the vendor to misrepresent to the buyer a speedy delivery time which he can't or wont be able to honor.
Latest update. Brian/Prospeed has not reply any of my emails and phone calls. The phone number listed on his website 7142929977 belongs to someone else and he is not answering his mobile number 7148584150.

If he does not revert to me within 24 hours I will lodge a police report with LAPD. I understand that another member from Brunei has paid him a substantial amount for the turbo kit and has not gotten anything yet.

I find it rather frustrating that some vendors on nsxprime prey on honest buyers. When they try to make a sale, they are prompt with their communication but when money has changed hands they conveniently disappears from the face of the earth.

Perhaps nsxprime should ban these vendors from advertising on this forum.
Paypal my friend. 45days. Whenever I buy from a vendor I let them know loud and clear that you have 45 days to deliver my items or send me a tracking number.
I have just received an email from Brian / prospeed threatening to state a higher value in the shipping document so that I will end up paying exorbitant import duty! He has not shipped the items yet as expected and promised to do so in the next 3 to 5 days. I have heard this same shit so many times that I don't believe him any more.

I am prepared to write off the full amount that I paid him but he will not get away with impunity. His behavior puts him on par with Dali/mark Johnson.
After a long delay, I have finally received my parts.