Prospective owner - Is there a big difference between 3.0 vs 3.2

10 November 2008
Niagara,Toronto Downtown, now Oakville
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I always wanted an NSX, and I think this summer is finally the time. I just never drove one yet, my last car was 99 Type R ( stolen ). So I’m having an issue deciding if a 97+ with the 3.2 is worth the extra cash. I live in <st1:state><st1:place>Ontario</st1:place></st1:state> <st1:country-region><st1:place>Canada</st1:place></st1:country-region> so 97+ are pricey and RARE. I was really set on going down to the <st1:country-region><st1:place>U.S.</st1:place></st1:country-region> to find my dream car, but with the current exchange rate, it doesn’t make sense. Not too many NSX’s are available here.
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Can anybody tell me if there is big performance difference between the 3.0 vs 3.2….as well as 5 speed vs 6 speed…..torque feeling etc…??? I already know the performance numbers between the two ( Road and Track etc). But I want to know the FEELING between the two, something numbers and a radar gun can’t tell you, unless you drive it.
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I also love the idea of a Targa, but with the extra weight, I heard it makes the 3.0 engine in the 95-96 feel underpowered.
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Anyways, I’m looking for the pros and cons from REAL owners. I can’t get this information anywhere else, this place is truly the best for NSX lovers. I never plan to race this car, maybe a couple track days here and there, but this will be my summer daily driver.
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I hope to be driving a NSX this summer in downtown <st1:city><st1:place>Toronto</st1:place></st1:city>!
Welcome :smile:

I have driven both and honestly if the 3.0 has headers and an exhaust the power is the same. The only negative with the 5 speed is when you are shifting from 1st to 2nd you are out of Vtec range. I dont really care about that since I am not a racer so its not a big deal for me. I needed a coupe for the headroom anyway so I am very happy with my car. Sure a Targa would be nice, but I doubt I would take it off that much anyway. I like the fact that the coupes have a stiffer chassis and are lighter.

Good Luck!
I have owned both. The 3.0 had headers and exhaust, the 3.2 just has a cat-back exhaust. I think the biggest difference is w/ the 6 speed vs. 5 speed.
I've had both and my current '95 has headers and it feels alittle more powerful at high revs. The 6 speed was nice but with the 5 it seems better in city driving (less shifts and higher speeds).

You can't go wrong either way! :cool: