Prospective owner here, just saying hi

16 June 2009
Northern colorado
Hello all,

By the end of this year i'll be looking to get into a new car. I'm looking at a few cars but the NSX is a STRONG possibility. I'm a bit of a speed freak so I will purchase the proper nsx that gives me a bit of financial breathing room to turbocharge it, whether i make it myself or just purchase a kit. Anywho, just saying hi!

Hi :biggrin:

Welcome aboard.... you probably won't receive many if any neys here about the possibility of purchasing an NSX.

I don't regret my purchase :cool:

Keep us posted... post pictures... the people here can offer lots of great advise too.
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Thanks guys! The car sure does have a lot gonig for it. Also, for a speed freak like me, it offers ample amount of power when turbocharged with an intoxicating sound behind it :)
I too am looking for a nsx after i get rid of my oil consuming z :)
Hopefully in the next month or so. I have to lemon the z and sell the bike but i think its time to move up
Good Luck on your Search :smile: You have a LOT more to choose from than I ever did. Good examples were FEW and FAR between before the economy took a dump.

Take advantage of it :biggrin:
I'm not too picky on what I'd be looking for. Basically just good looking interior and exterior. Honestly, I'd prefer buying one with a blown motor ;)
Welcome to the Forum. Unfortunately I know of one with a blown motor:frown:
Sorry to hear that. Are you the one who purchased one and it blew up immediately? I had the same thing happen to my last rx7....on rotary power. Went WOT twice, the second time it done blowed up.