I have several fulls sets of rims mounted with tires (summer/winter) that are stored 4 high stacked on top of eachother. Just wondering if this is okay or should they be on a rack in an upright position. A store here has some free standing racks on sale for $30 that hold 2 on the bottom and 2 on the top (not the rack system that you hang or bolt onto the wall up high).
What do you think? I can't hang them cuz my MDX winters are too heavy to lift, but have tons of space to store them on the floor.........just wondering what most of you do?? Oh, they all get rotated for the season so not stored more then 6 mths.
What do you think? I can't hang them cuz my MDX winters are too heavy to lift, but have tons of space to store them on the floor.........just wondering what most of you do?? Oh, they all get rotated for the season so not stored more then 6 mths.