Scammers are using compromised Prime member accounts to pose as a trusted seller in the marketplace. Before you enter into a deal with any seller, follow these tips to keep yourself safe. If you encounter one of these scammers, please report them immediately and we will lock their account.

    Caveat Emptor!

Project 51 Autowerks ***major fraud warning***

11 May 2002
Mishawaka, In
This is a friendly warning to the community********

Unfortuantly due to the situation I can not get too far into details so please accept my apology for that. What I can tell you is that I was in contact with this company becuase they were purchasing products from me and some of them were NSX related. The man's name was John Homle and he mentioned NSX prime during our conversations. I do not believe he is a member of the board however. They tried to fraud me for over $30,000 and did get away with some BBS LM's among other things. In Boiler Room stylee thay have now disconnected all cell phones that I had, their busines phone, location is empty, etc. If you are, have been, or were planning on dealing with them please be warned!



I hate reading these stories ... we do have some members of this forum that live out that way. Is there anything a local member here can do to assist you in anyway ? Maybe go check out the location and see whats there for you ?
Acura NsX Pilot said:
I hate reading these stories ... we do have some members of this forum that live out that way. Is there anything a local member here can do to assist you in anyway ? Maybe go check out the location and see whats there for you ?

Thanks for the support and I appriciate the thoughs but I am posting not for assistance but rather to inform people to stay away so they will not meet the same fate we have. TR will write off the fraud as a bad debt, I would never want to send a fellow Prime member anywhere near harm's way.
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Its the 'ol, Caveat Emptor- Let the Buyer Beware. I had some guy from Brooklyn (sorry Aaron) try to buy an SC from me with a bogus CC# about a month ago. Come to find out from Larry B (who actually was the Main, and First clue that something smelled foul) that the dude did the same thing to Alex V with a GMSC a year ago. The give away was, he could only buy it if we could ship today, because if it wasn't ready for some 'event', he would probabally wait a while.
He gave Alex the same story. I ALWAYS take that as a sign to slow down and know your buyer / seller. A good cc number is no guarentee of payment, especially on a phone purchase.

Wasn't Autowerks the subject of a few threads tying to sell salvaged cars on e bay as clear title cars? I may be off, but that name sounds so familiar.
jlindy said:
Wasn't Autowerks the subject of a few threads tying to sell salvaged cars on e bay as clear title cars? I may be off, but that name sounds so familiar.

It's possible, this guy knew his NSX's!