Production Colors & Production Units By Year

15 January 2007
La Jolla, California
I am somewhat computer challenged. While I feel certain that our NSX Prime website provides USA production figures by year and also exterior and interior colors by year, it has been impossible for me to click on or find the correct heading or link. Please send me an email, preferably not on NSX Prime, or telephone, detailing exactly how to access this information. My email address follows: [email protected] and my telephone numbers follow: Residence: 858-454-2628 Mobile: 619-980-4586 Your cooperation is most appreciated. Many thanks for everything.
All the very best,
I am somewhat computer challenged. While I feel certain that our NSX Prime website provides USA production figures by year and also exterior and interior colors by year, it has been impossible for me to click on or find the correct heading or link. Please send me an email, preferably not on NSX Prime, or telephone, detailing exactly how to access this information. My email address follows: [email protected] and my telephone numbers follow: Residence: 858-454-2628 Mobile: 619-980-4586 Your cooperation is most appreciated. Many thanks for everything.
All the very best,

Click on "Wiki" in the top red banner on the right side of the screen...

Click on "General Information" when you get to "Wiki" page...

Click on "General Information" and you'll have your information.

I found "Wiki" at the top of the home page near "Forums." When I clicked on "Wiki", I could not find "Gen Info." It might be easier if you called.
Many thanks,
Residence: 858-454-2628
Mobile: 619-980-4586
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