Problems Starting

30 August 2003
Bay Area
I'm having problems starting my 1991 nsx. Sometimes it would start with no problem. Recently it is like the battery is dead. But the lights, radio work fine. I even replace the battery. When trying to start I can hear the starter click once. If I keep trying to start it, about 10 times it will finally start. During this time the starter sometimes tries to crank very slowly for a few seconds and stops. Does this mean the starter needs to be replaced?

Any help would be appreciated.

Happy Holidays!
Just some clarification, please. You are saying it starts about 1 time out of 10. When it does not start what is it doing? Is it cranking very slowly? Is it cranking at all?

When it finally starts, is it because all of a sudden it cranks very fast (normal)?
To clarify my problem, it will click or start right up.

hlweyl, I turned the key to the "on" position and played with the ignition switch, the lights stay on, so I guess I can rule the ignition switch.

Today I tried starting the car and it has worked fine today.
It *might* be the MAIN RELAY to the fuel pump? It's getting to be pretty common. When I had this issue, I tried turning on my car and it would turn over, but wouldn't catch. I tried jump starting it and the electrical power was there, but the engine wouldn't start. Easy fix, part# RZ-1010. About $50 bucks and you can do it yourself. I hopes it's that simple. :)
- Z