Pricing observation / your thoughts

By no means have I tracked prices, but from what I've seen, several good deals on '97-98's have transpired lately, although without seeing the cars in person, it's hard to say much about their condition. Early models ('91-94) largely continue to move sideways. I'm not sure how accurate my take is, since it's based mainly on checking the classifieds once or twice a month out of curiousity.
I have been checking every few weeks for a couple years.
Thought I was on to something, but now am not so sure.:confused:
:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
I just bought mine a few months ago, so I still have the prices in my head of what I was seeing.
Looking at the FAQ, the pricing there is about right for a 97/98 from what I saw. Around $45,000 to get one that's half way decent.

I also looked at some 91-93 NSXs, and I would say the guide is around right from the few I looked at there too. Both 91's I drove were beat up. One had electricial problems, the other ones check engine light came on while the owner was showing it to me. Both were $30,000.
I don't think there is any reason for the "trends" over the last 5+ years to be any different now, except maybe 04s and 05s holding value better than in the past since no new production. There's no shortage of long-time NSX enthusiasts that will probably trade up to 02+s eventually too.

A new NSX probably won't impact pricing on the 91s much (maybe a slight increase) at 30k, but could be favorable or unfavorable to 50k+ NSXs depending on how it is priced. Anything over $120K won't do much to the newer NSX values. Values could increase a little across the board if public awareness to the NSX brand is re-ignited.
To me its a common cycle. (For collectable cars)
They drop, hit bottom and head back up.
Some are already there, while others are on their way.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Have seen it in American cars/ European cars but the NSX could be the 1st for cars from this part of the world.
There have been a few, but nothing really worth mentioning. Early 240Z's etc.
I bought this car to have the fun with & drive, I didn't buy a super low mi. garage queen.
Been there done that.....
I just have to think this could be the 1st Japanese car to really appreciate over time.
Time will tell.:smile:
On a side note, it is interesting the sticker price on a 1996 was $84,225 and 10 years later price had risen only 5% or so. Not a common occurrence....
Keeping both eyes open for a late model coupe, Needle in a haystack so to speak.....
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I am starting to see more people in the market for the NSX as the 91-96's are creeping into the civic/accord owners price range as a car to step up into. 97's thru 2001 is a market still looking to be defined I think as production was a few hundred per year, and your are stepping up to the 290HP engine with 6 speed. The ultimate seems to be the 2002 thru 2005 NSX fetching $55k to $70k and up.

BTW, my 1998 Spa Yellow is for sale on ebay right now and although I believe it is priced right (low $40's) being the holidays its a hard sale:,1
im seeing a lot of 2002+ at a reasonable price. if i were to jump back in, i anticipate prices have gone down from where i got out. just my observation. i also have been checking completed items on ebay motors and i notice prices are not that high up there anymore.

just my 2c
Funny how much of this thread is still accurate 7 years later.

- - - Updated - - -

BTW supra2nv, you forgot to say Merry Christmas. :)