Price for used speakers

17 February 2014
Fairfield, CA
Anybody know what the general price I should be paying for used speakers with repaired SOS amps? (Both doors, sub, center speaker). I went to an acura parts website and they want $885 for one door and $1100 for the sub brand new.
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To get a good gauge, just search the parts for sale forum. Speakers and amps (and the occasional head unit) come up for sale fairly often. There's no way I would pay new prices.
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You can buy them from Willman Electronics too, brand-new-in-the-box Bose units for way less. You can also buy them diretcly from Bose for even less than that. Try some searches.
I'm selling all my speakers and head unit soon. If you're still interested

I would be interested in the head unit (and speakers if it is must-take scenario.)

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You can buy each Bose speaker (the whole enclosure, speaker and amp - plug and play) for $140/per. Brand new. Not rebuilt.

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Anybody know what the general price I should be paying for used speakers with repaired SOS amps? (Both doors, sub, center speaker). I went to an acura parts website and they want $885 for one door and $1100 for the sub brand new.

Nikk0bacardi - you can buy the whole setup from Patty at Bose 508/766-9522 for $140 per speaker enclosure.