Pre-Season Spring Dinner

18 October 2005
Alpine, New Jersey
Just in case many of you Noreasters do not realize; the NSXCA holiday dinner has not been held yet. Please consider this thread a reminder that you have one month to make arrangements for attending on the new date in March.

No need to post here, but please refer to Larry's sticky regarding NSXCA Holiday Dinner posted above for the details. Post-up there and forward your check to Larry prior to Mon., March 21.

Most of us will be returning to the restaurant again for the upcoming party after having already checked out this year's location on Feb. 5th. Food was great, location convenient. Let's have a nice turnout.

Once again, this is only a reminder. Please refer to Larry's thread above.

-Rich :smile:

Is it safe to park an NSX there? By the end of March, the snow may be gone. If we have a heavy rain or two to wash away the salt, the itch to drive the NSX will be tremendous. :biggrin:

This warm spell we had the last few days has melted nearly all the snow off of my deck and I can now see about 1/3 of my front lawn. So there is hope.
sadly we are in for another 6-8 in. of snow tonight:frown: and I just got my car back from asimo since Thanksgiving.....
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Friends- the restaurant needs a head count by tomorrow for this Saturday's pre-Spring dinner. If you have not confirmed with Larry, please do, so that I can get a count from him tomorrow (Tues.)

Thanks and see you all on Saturday. :biggrin:
Sorry we won't be able to join you for this one, but we had a great time at the "cancelled" one. Hope to see all of you soon!!!
I'm trying to decide if I drive the NSX to tonight's dinner.

Is there a noticeable amount of salt left on the roads from Wednesday's snow? The roads are clear here, and the salt seems to be minimal, but I still have a lot of snow on my lawn. Just 10 miles south of here, and there's no hint it ever snowed.
have fun everyone we have family coming over.Joe I will call you about that paint.
have fun everyone we have family coming over.Joe I will call you about that paint.

NO problem. I'll bring my toothbrush, swim trunks, some DVD's, a jigsaw puzzle, a bottle of Stoli, cigars and new pajamas. What time do you want me there?:biggrin:
NO problem. I'll bring my toothbrush, swim trunks, some DVD's, a jigsaw puzzle, a bottle of Stoli, cigars and new pajamas. What time do you want me there?:biggrin:

lol....Larry is a yenta:tongue:
Mary & I had a great time last night - It was great seeing old & new friends at the dinner & the food was outstanding!!

+1 , also sorry we missed Roger, Bob, Peter and wives. Hey Bob, we had to rely on Alan's pocket camera ......... don't know what to expect of the shots? :biggrin:
Sorry Liz and I missed everyone last night. Just got back from Florida today. Russ, wanted to talk about your new super charger. Will catch up soon.

Hope all had a great time...dammit, post some pics paleeeze! :smile:

Hey Rich & Larry; It was a great Dinner Party even with the mistery coat ?? Oh well stuff happens; Dinner was AWSOME !! Baily missed out along with many others. Was great meeting Charlie (the old Newbie) Had a safe trip home 118 miles in 1Hr & 40 Min. not bad and no pit stops The Red Racer ran flawless now with 195.000 mines

Regards Clem & Lori:biggrin::biggrin:
Hey Rich & Larry; It was a great Dinner Party even with the mistery coat ?? Oh well stuff happens; Dinner was AWSOME !! Baily missed out along with many others. Was great meeting Charlie (the old Newbie) Had a safe trip home 118 miles in 1Hr & 40 Min. not bad and no pit stops The Red Racer ran flawless now with 195.000 mines

Regards Clem & Lori:biggrin::biggrin:

Mystery Coat is in the closet. Other coat was handed over to the Feds today.
(local post office) :wink: