Powerslot rotor, Taitec Exhaust


Legendary Member
17 April 2000
Northern VA
ok. I tried posting this stuff but i have a minor problem. It seems like for geocities, if you omit http:// part of the address and put it in the address location, it'd work. So here are the links. You can just cut out the http:// then it should work.
www.geocities.com/aktano/nsx10.jpg www.geocities.com/aktano/nsx9.jpg www.geocities.com/aktano/nsx8.jpg www.geocities.com/aktano/nsx7.jpg

sound clip: www.geocities.com/aktano/nsx1rev.wav

Sorry for the low quality pic.

[This message has been edited by ak (edited 29 April 2002).]
Ya, I went thru the same crap with geocities too. They recently disabled hotlinks (meaning you can't directly link to your pics anymore). An easy way around this is to just link to an html file and show all the pics from the html file.

For example: http://www.geocities.com/msidhu33/nsx/nsx.html

'96 Black/Tan NSX-T

[This message has been edited by Soulstice (edited 29 April 2002).]
Originally posted by Soulstice:
Ya, I went thru the same crap with geocities too.
Here's a rear-view shot of Ak's car
