Powerball winner to buy NSX

^^ I do believe you're right. The search seems to come back with items a few weeks old. Anyway...


First thing Lottery winner wants to do is buy an NSX
Started by vivanshah, 08-08-2013 20:41
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Replies: 34
Views: 647
08-09-2013, 15:13 Go to last post
Moved: Powerball winner says first purchase is an NSX
Started by TURBO2GO, 08-09-2013 15:16
Cant blame him for wanting one can we, if i won that sort of money i would be off to Japan and pay whatever it took for an NSX-R model since we are right hand drive, and if i did win that much cash probably wouldnt care what it cost.
First off tho i would have to start buying lotto tickets