Potential move to the US

11 October 2005
Hi all,
I am not posting very often, not because I am shy but mainly because as I do not have an NSX yet, I am building my knowledge thanks to you guys!
So just for the records, I am French from the Caribbean and I live and work in Germany. Does that make sense? I drive a Toyota MR-S and really love it. It is of course a different category from the NSX, but I do enjoy it very much

Okay, I may be moving to the US, most likely Atlanta. I have been to the US very often, especially New York and Miami but never lived in NA.
I would really apreciate if you could give me some heads up on Atlanta (city, living, cost of life, owning an NSX there , etc). I am of course doing my homework on what to think of before going there, but I think that the inputs from locals are priceless.

I am a senior level in marketing management. What do you reckon would be a fairly good negociable income? I am targetting $85k.
If you have any inputs as to where you'd recommend to live in ATL, that'd be much apreciated.

Thanks in advance guys!

I've lived here for about 12 years and have enjoyed it. Coming from California cost of living here is not bad at all. Lots of things to do in Atlanta. I live 30 minutes from downtown so its not too far of a drive to nice restaurants, bars, clubs etc. I drive my NSX year round. It maybe snows 1 day out of the year. We have some great twisty roads in the north GA mountains and only a couple of hours away from the Tail of the Dragon.

Good luck!

I've lived here for about 12 years and have enjoyed it. Coming from California cost of living here is not bad at all. Lots of things to do in Atlanta. I live 30 minutes from downtown so its not too far of a drive to nice restaurants, bars, clubs etc. I drive my NSX year round. It maybe snows 1 day out of the year. We have some great twisty roads in the north GA mountains and only a couple of hours away from the Tail of the Dragon.

Good luck!

Thanks for the heads up OyaTL! :smile: