Potential buyer - Tuning Solution(s) Questions

16 June 2013
Ladies/Gents of NSXPrime,

Couldn't get my question(s) answered elsewhere, nor could I find an answer via the forum's search function, so I'm posting here.

I'm in the market for an NSX. I know myself, and know the "mod bug" will likely hit at some point during ownership, but am unsure whether to purchase an OBDI or OBDII vehicle due to the concern of keeping the vehicle at least pseudo-emissions compliant.

Questions below are in reference to the AEM EMS as shown over @ SOS -> http://www.scienceofspeed.com/produc...1995-2005_NSX/ and/or the AEM Infinity, or others that "fit-the-bill" (with the below in mind)

1. Being plug-n-play in nature, and by retaining the OEM ECU (? - If I'm reading correctly), does this also imply that all OBD2 emissions controls (in the case of model years 1996+) are retained and would remain fully functional?

2. If the above is true - Does the AEM EMS/Infinity/others allow "clamping" or "force ready" states for wideband & narrowband O2 sensors, speed sensors, etc. (I.E. - things that would usually cause a "fail" result during an emissions inspection.)

The only first hand experience I have with tuning solutions has been with Hondata's Flashpro for the 8th gen Civic Si's. Though not a "piggy-back" or standalone solution (as it manipulates the OEM ECU directly), it thankfully, has provisions to force a "ready" state for things like "presence of catalyst", "secondary O2 function / operation of catalyst", etc. and therefore, (even though I currently live in an emissions exempt county) has allowed me to keep the vehicle compliant with DMV standards throughout ownership.

Bottom line, if the possibility of passing emissions with a modified NA2 is only a thing we could wish for, then I want to ensure I know before I plunk a small fortune down on a car I've lusted after for quite some time now, and therefore will instead search for an OBDI NSX.
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NA1 & NA2 have nothing to do with OBDII. '91-'96 are all NA1 cars (3.0L, either trans). '97-'05 are mostly NA2 (3.2L, 6 spd) with a few NA1 (3.0L, automatic). NSXs started coming with OBDII in '95 even though it wasn't required until '96. And no, the '02-'05 nose has nothing to do with NA2 either. Read the wiki section for changes by year.
Easy bud - I'm well aware that the mass transition to OBDII occurred with model years 1995+.

My question still stands.

OP edited to save further heart attacks.
Sure you were, bud. Good luck finding your OBDI muffler bearings too.

Easy bud - I'm well aware that the mass transition to OBDII occurred with model years 1995+.

My question still stands.

OP edited to save further heart attacks.
Mods please close. Its obvious that this question should not be asked of someone aloof.
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" Easy Bud " LOL oh my oh my did we start off with a bang.

another CIVIC owner pumping us with his CIVIC knowledge.

Aloof LOL geez head deep in some Freshman books LOL

ref: Shark Tank.......................and for that reason " Im out "
Something is wrong when I am the voice of reason. :rolleyes:

1. You are not reading correctly. Plug and play just means no splicing. It has nothing to do with retaining the OEM EMS or emissions compliance.

2. No because it is not made for emission compliance.

No one has been able to jump off their high horse long enough to answer my rather simple question. (Much less offer a response with any semblance of respect) :slowclap:

I'll tell all what I told the first couple owners of mundane responses: Getting in touch with fellow friends/tuners who would likely be able provide a solid answer isn't as easy as picking up the phone when located in Afghanistan. Figured it would've been easier to find an answer quickly here, from several individuals with first hand knowedge. I would have assumed (maybe incorrectly) that with the lists of vehicles shown in member's signature blocks here, that a least a modicum of intelligence was required to fund the acquisition of said vehicles.
Seeing as I've wasted my time, I'll reach out through my channels via Email. No worries.

Let me also try to wrap my head around other comments posted - A civic owner = knowledgeless? At least I think that's what I'm hearing. Oh, how mistaken you must be. There are far too many civic owners, doing far too much trial-and-error, with vastly varying budgets for that to be true. But, ultimately, you will believe (stubbornly or unknowingly) what you will - Why bother with feable attempts to convince you, of obviously self-proclaimed superior stature, otherwise?

Aside from DDozier's thread detailing his Aerocharger experience, and the couple members detailing their J series endeavors, I can't honestly say I've been all too impressed with the mechanical knowledge here. (Maybe that's why I can't get a straight answer??) ... Or maybe because the distribution of information is vastly limited in this community. Comparitively, this type of inginuity is fiarly common, by ratio, with owners of "lowly" Civics - Admittedly, most of all due to the relative affordability of such vehicles to the blue-collar. But no need to take my word for it, read a bit. :thumbsup:

Aaron, thanks for you half-answer... I guess?? I'm also aware aftermarket tuning solutions aren't explicitly for "emission compliance" (Where did I say that?) What I specifically asked, was if voltage clamping (if provisions are available at that low of a level on "xyz" tuning solution), or if provisions exist within "xyz"'s tuning software for forcing a ready state for O2 sensors.

Thanks for the "help".

Mods can close at their convenience.
the hey bub comment made you -66,765 friends

then Aaron take the high road and give some input and you bash him with the half-answer comment

your an a-hole hope you stay over there " in the rear with the gear "
Of course he is in the rear with the gear if he has the ability to jump on here as much as he has. I did not have that luxury when I was there.
Aaron, thanks for you half-answer... I guess?? I'm also aware aftermarket tuning solutions aren't explicitly for "emission compliance" (Where did I say that?) What I specifically asked, was if voltage clamping (if provisions are available at that low of a level on "xyz" tuning solution), or if provisions exist within "xyz"'s tuning software for forcing a ready state for O2 sensors.

Did you even read my response? I assume you did but I can tell that you didn't understand it. You read the SOS link and thought plug and play meant retains OEM EMS which is not the case. Your questions are not NSX specific and are pretty much EMS 101 type questions. If I were to guess, I would say AEM prob sells <1% of their boxes to NSX owners. The AEM EMS you linked is a stand alone and it will not pass emissions on an OBDII car. Worrying about a possible stand alone on a car you don't even own is putting the cart way before the horse.

then Aaron take the high road and give some input and you bash him with the half-answer comment

Shawn, see what I get for actually answering his question versus bashing. I should have jumped on the bash wagon, oh well, live and learn. ;)