posting / moderating "off topic"

10 April 2000
Silicon Valley
yesterday when i ran across a thread in another forum that clearly was inappropriate, i pressed the "report post" icon and noted this text accompanying the complaint field:

"Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising messages, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts."

and i thought to myself, "yeah, "problematic" has gotten to be waaaay more prevalent than it ever should have become. prime used to be something of a safe haven from bad behavior and somewhere along the way, bad behavior seems to have become acceptable... and in the process, many of the best qualities - and long time, contributing members - of prime have been lost.

to be candid, the "note" caused me to rethink a response i gave to someone who complained to me a couple of months back about a "classless" post. i thought the post was classless, too, but i didn't modify the post. rethinking that what the "note" text said, i returned just a few minutes ago to modify the post that was pointed out to me, only to find lud had removed the post some time back.

i think that's a good thing and his action has provided me with a better indicator of the limits to be followed when posting to prime.

going forward, when posting please keep in mind the report icon text:

Note: problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts.

and recognize that it's not a good thing (relative to your continued participation in prime) to have your posts edited or deleted.

thx for listening. i'm open for comments, suggestions, etc. about how to make off topic a better environment / resource for all of us.

Good post. I agree. We should all be a little more responsible. I'm in that group as well.
You da man Mo.

Larry Fine
The fact that you have undertaken this task is apreciated.The quest makes you kinda like the prime Don Quixote:tongue: I think learning Lud's tolerance levels is a good thing.I have found his moderation to be level headed and his problem solving quite practical , given his limited involvement.The new internet with all this tweeter dee and tweeter dat and facebook and whatever has fostered the kamakazi style of unreadable shallow posts.There are also those like our own Hugh that like to stir the pot with his snide quips ect..All we can do is keep on truckin.I along with some other level headed regulars keep fighting the good fight:wink:
Thanks Hal. I purposefully do not engage in other internet sites because of their rampant disregard for personal responsibility and their lack of common decency. I have always enjoyed the close-knit community feel that I get on Prime although, as you noted, we have lost some long-time members lately as a result of the changing misbehavior.

I don't envy you your task of policing the site, but I do appreciate it. I never noticed the Report Post flag before, so thanks for pointing it out. I hope I never feel compelled to use it.

Keep up the good work.
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Some people can be really nasty in here. I just let it roll off my shoulder not a big deal. I figure its just all jokes and games. I guess?
I’m glad to hear you recognize this. I stopped posting for a while after one of your comments in a political thread where you inferred to my character, referencing the color of my car. I did not feel it deserved a response and just removed myself from the discussion. One person did step up to the plate to say something in my defense and the thread was later removed. I can only hope no matter what the subject may be, that we can agree or agree to disagree, and remain to be a civil community. :cool:
I’m glad to hear you recognize this. I stopped posting for a while after one of your comments in a political thread where you inferred to my character, referencing the color of my car. I did not feel it deserved a response and just removed myself from the discussion. One person did step up to the plate to say something in my defense and the thread was later removed. I can only hope no matter what the subject may be, that we can agree or agree to disagree, and remain to be a civil community. :cool:
i remember that thread fairly well and, given the content, understood your reason(s) for not replying.

welcome back.
Some people can be really nasty in here. I just let it roll off my shoulder not a big deal. I figure its just all jokes and games. I guess?

i know that over the last 9+ years i've been here, i've gotten overheated a few times on issues i felt strongly about. when i felt i stepped over the line, i've apologized, when lud felt i stepped over the line, he's asked me to stop (and i did).
The fact that you have undertaken this task is apreciated.The quest makes you kinda like the prime Don Quixote:tongue: I think learning Lud's tolerance levels is a good thing.I have found his moderation to be level headed and his problem solving quite practical , given his limited involvement.The new internet with all this tweeter dee and tweeter dat and facebook and whatever has fostered the kamakazi style of unreadable shallow posts.There are also those like our own Hugh that like to stir the pot with his snide quips ect..All we can do is keep on truckin.I along with some other level headed regulars keep fighting the good fight:wink:
"kamakazi style"... an interesting perspective... and i think that certainly reflects some we've had over the past year or two. as for windmills, i'm hopeful we'll find our way back to "normal" prime community standards in the coming months.