Possibly buying an NSX that's been just sitting.

21 November 2006
Hi everyone,

I am possibly buying an NSX that's been sitting for quite a while. When I went to see the car, the car started with the aid of a battery charger. I've never had a car just sit there before, so should I have this battery replaced? Or will it be fine once I drive it around for a bit.

Thanks for your help...

Ummm...replacing the battery should be the least of your worries if you're buying a museum piece NSX. Others here have a better idea of "cost to refresh" but needless to say, the mothballs can cost a good deal of money. :frown:
Has it been sitting garaged or outdoors? Periodically started, or left to rot? Approximately how long has it sat in said conditions?

If its been garaged and has sat for a while in nice rosy conditions, I wouldn't be too worried. Aside from bad gas in the tank and other old fluid replacement, battery, and tires that might need to be replaced, its probably little or no worse off than another NSX with similar milage and service upkeep (or lack thereof).
annointed said:
Has it been sitting garaged or outdoors? Periodically started, or left to rot?

It's been garaged & well maintained. Just not driven. The mechanic that maintains it maintains a friend of mines as well, and he said the car is in great shape. The last time the owner drove the car was a couple months ago...

NSXin702 said:
It's been garaged & well maintained. Just not driven. The mechanic that maintains it maintains a friend of mines as well, and he said the car is in great shape. The last time the owner drove the car was a couple months ago...


I would have zero worries about buying a car like that. I was thinking you meant 2+ years of sitting, and possibly outside, at that.
annointed said:
I would have zero worries about buying a car like that. I was thinking you meant 2+ years of sitting, and possibly outside, at that.

Awesome. Would you advise changing the battery to play it safe? Or do batteries regain a charge once it gets some road time?
NSXin702 said:
Awesome. Would you advise changing the battery to play it safe? Or do batteries regain a charge once it gets some road time?

You could certainly start by recharging the battery and seeing how it holds up. This is certainly what I would do. But batteries usually have a date on them marking when they were put into use, so if it's old, it's worthwhile to just replace it with a fresh one, though.

It is generally recommended to remove and fully re-charge a battery that has been deeply discharged before using it in a vehicle; nevertheless, it is a very common (read: lazy) practice to simply jump the deeply discharged battery, and call it good, hoping the alternator does it's job to restore the battery's charge, which puts a bit of a strain on the charging system.

Honestly, the battery should be the least of your concern in considering the purchase of this NSX, as a battery is a very inexpensive and easy item to replace.
annointed said:
You could certainly start by recharging the battery and seeing how it holds up. This is certainly what I would do. But batteries usually have a date on them marking when it was put into use, so if it's old, it's worthwhile to just replace it with a fresh one, though.

It is generally recommended to remove and fully re-charge a battery that has been deeply discharged before using it in a vehicle; nevertheless, it is a very common practice to simply jump the deeply discharged battery, and call it good, hoping the alternator does it's job to restore the battery's charge, which puts a bit of a strain on the charging system.

Honestly, the battery should be the least of your concern in considering the purchase of this NSX, as it is a very inexpensive item to replace.

Thanks annointed for your help...
Get a new battery. They don't cost much and you don't have to go through the trouble of charging, checking and hoping the old one holds a charge.

Peace of mind for under $100 is a good idea (don't want you to be stuck w/ a dead battery while taking a break during a drive).
Cairo94507 said:
Couple of months......that's nothing.

tell me about, we call it winter:biggrin: Ill drive my car on my day, off once a week for a little while and then she goes back to bed until the next week. Its in the low 20's here, so I wont drive her a couple months now.
The Kid said:
tell me about, we call it winter:biggrin: Ill drive my car on my day, off once a week for a little while and then she goes back to bed until the next week. Its in the low 20's here, so I wont drive her a couple months now.

Wow, that's pretty cold. Here I am complaining that it's in the 60's. Even took my long underwear out...=)

NSXin702 said:
Wow, that's pretty cold. Here I am complaining that it's in the 60's. Even took my long underwear out...=)

I hate winter. I hate winter. I hate winter.
NSXin702 said:
Wow, that's pretty cold. Here I am complaining that it's in the 60's. Even took my long underwear out...=)



20 degrees isn't cold.

Last week, it was -35 here with 3 feet of snow on the ground and a good wind. So I put a sweater on when I wandered outside. :tongue:
comtec said:
I hate winter. I hate winter. I hate winter.
yes the winter sucks ass
my NSX is now away for the season and it will not see a day until early april unless its totally clear
95EagleAWD said:

20 degrees isn't cold.

Last week, it was -35 here with 3 feet of snow on the ground and a good wind. So I put a sweater on when I wandered outside. :tongue:

Now that's cold...=) The coldest temperature I've ever been in is 5 degrees. But I was in Salt Lake City snowboarding, so I welcomed the cold...=)

I can't imagine being below zero, plus a good wind....

I sure do love not seeing snow during winter down here in Tx.

All year round weather for the NSX :biggrin: