Possible mail fraud. How do I get a shop to send me stuff I ordered?

9 May 2000
Hi everyone,

Ive been wrangling with this problem for a while now... but basically I have placed 4 separate orders with a hobby store for various parts totalling $450 over 6 months ago and have not recived anything yet. After repeated phone calls, messages on their voicemail, etc I have yet to get a satisfactory reply as to where my parts are. I have also NEVER gotten a call back from them despite numerous offers to call me back when they have more info.

I am quite fed up at this point and am ready to take action. I live in northern california and the shop is in southern california so I cant quite drive up there and complain in person... At this point, Im ready to cancel all the pending orders and get my money back. Ive pondered small claims court or reporting this to someone who investigates mail fraud. What are my options and what legal tools are at my disposal?
Did you happen to pay via credit card? I don't know too much about this, but I'd contact the card company and dispute the charges. I don't know if 6+ months is too long of a time period, however.
Unfortunately, it was paid via 4 personal checks. I am going to try and get the cashed checks or a written record of who/when cashed the check.

I kind of didnt want to pay these orders via credit card because I though the place was a bit shady... LOL I guess there's more than one way to screw a customer!

I am thinking of sending a letter of complaint to the store and CC it to the BBB and whoever monitors mail fraud.
You may want to check out my thread in "MarketPlace Discussion" under 'I got burned' heading. I am having a hard time getting someone to pay for parts that I sent them and am in the process of taking further action. My whole point is someone posted a link to a site concerning internet fraud. You may want to check and see if that can help you or not.
Good luck to you.

92NSX - Thanks for pointing me towards your post. I gave it a quick read and some of the info may be useful.

I did some further digging and found that the FTC requires all mail order purchases without a specified timeframe to be shipped within 30 days! Apparently, it applies to internet purchases as well.

The store has clearly violated the 30-day-rule as described by the FTC. I think its time I send them a written warning and enclose a printout of the FTC regulations. Maybe that will put the fear of god into them