Possible layoff, should NSX be first to go?

8 March 2003
Northwest Florida
I was faced with a jolt today at work. My company has been downsizing for some time and as with most IT jobs moving them overseas. I found out today that i may be in that situation real soon as my name came out on the list of possible jobs eliminated. Nothing definate yet, but possible within the next 2-3 weeks? Jobs where Im located are few and far between that matches my income from my current position. I currently work from my home VO and the company is located in another state. When i moved to NW Florida i was lucky enough to keep my salary.

Relocation isnt an option for the next year due to some personal committments. So, next step is eliminating certain debts.

It took me over a year to find my NSX and I have only had it for a few months. It is my largest and most obvious debt at this point.


Do I sacrifice this luxury and keep the paid off Jeep Wrangler (worth squat)? Or do I eliminate the NSX debt and suffer the loss until i can someday replace it.

Gut instinct is yes, my heart screams no.

Yes I will wait until the inevitable happens but I certainly need to be thinking about my situation and planning if it happens so soon.

Just a passing thought as i sat here pondering todays events and an opportunity to catch other opinions as I work through possible gameplans.
Tough call - good luck with your current situation. It would be easy for me to advise you to sell your NSX, but a lot harder to actually do so myself if I were in your shoes. In reality I don't know many people who wouldn't be better off financially without the NSX so maybe you have come to the right place for empathy, but the wrong place for advice.

Hope everything works out for the best - as it usually does with these types of things over the long haul...
Wow, good luck indeed. I've been faced with the same proposition though my wife was the one facing a job layoff (WorldCom)...12 times so far. Push come to shove, the NSX would have been the one to go. Just realize that tough times don't last for long and there will be plenty of opportunites to own another NSX later on (hint: HSC;)) in life. There is hope if you look past the problems that block your immediate vision.
Hope your situation doesn't come to that. But if so I would become as debt free with minimum overhead as quickly as possible ASAP. I think it will give you mental relief and alot more flexability to move forward. Good Luck
I think you should try to find another job before selling the NSX. Good luck.

worse comes to worse its goodbye to debts(NSX) you wouldn't be able to afford. But, lets hope it doesn't come to this and/or you can find another job, good luck! :)
Members on this website won't be able to give you unbiased advise... they're more interested in how much are you selling it for? :D

Personally, i would look into other options before giving up the NSX... otherwise you'll just live with the regret. If the NSX is really a priority/dream, there's always a way to hang onto it.
find a way!!!

I hope you find a better job.... If you do have to sell your NSX it should command a great price 14k miles on a 91.... Jeez thats unbelievable:eek:
That sucks, I hope they offer a decent severance package if (God forbid) the unthinkable happens.

Companies do seem more concerned about cost than quality these days -- at least as far as backoffice operations like IT are concerned. I too believe it's only a matter of time before my job goes elsewhere, so I am starting to look into alternate careers now. Meanwhile, I'm trying to shore up my finances to prepare for the worst case scenario.

Hopefully you will remain employed, even if not with your current employer. The key is to live below your means, and if that means sacrificing the NSX then so be it. Hard times call for difficult decisions.

No matter what happens though, hopefully you can remain a member of this community.

Good luck.
One more example of America "selling it's soul". First manufacturing, now intellectual jobs are going overseas. There should be some sort of negative ramifications imposed on the companies that do this, taxes or something, to make it a less desirable option. We have slit our own wrists, and are slowly bleeding to death. This phenomenon is not new in the IT industry. I have several friends who have lost jobs, and are still looking, even up to three years ago. :(
Cars are replacable, don't kill yourself to keep it. You can always buy another one when the time is right.
I think the question is not whether to sell your NSX; it's when (how soon) to sell your NSX. There's no need to do anything immediately; give it time to see whether you still have a job, and if not, evaluate your entire financial situation (including your severance package) and what your plans will be for the future. Look at the decision within that context.

My guess is that, even if you decide you need to sell it, you don't need to make that decision for at least a couple of months.

Hope it all works out for you.
Thanks to all for the advice and the feeling of a real good community here.

As has been stated nothing has been decided yet as far as the layoff. Just a possibility at this point. I have survived the last few rounds of cutbacks, just hoping to make it through this one as well. Its coming though sooner or later.

The big picture has to be taken into account with severance package and another possible job. However, if its not a VO job and I have to stay in this area I can garuantee at a minimum 60% paycut.

If the car does have to go I will certainly post here first.

Cars are like women i guess, there will always be another one. Unfortunately the great ones dont come along that often. Its just hard knowing you had a good one and had to let it go.

Thanks again for the support. Maybe this to shall pass and I will still get to make it to a meet before it happens.
It always helps to here others opinions so as not to panic it a tough situation.
I im in total like (not love, I only love people) with my NSX, it is a rare beauty being only 1 of 6 silver/ivory 5speed coupes, and I would sell it today if my finances so dictated.

"It is better to have owned and sold, then never to have owned at all."
chain of unexpected forthcoming for getting rid of nsx

sells nsx
girl leaves
manhood shot
drinking becomes a regular
depression kicks in
etc, etc...