Porsche 911 GT1 value

26 September 2001
I had the opportunity to view a very nice private collection today, it included a Porsche 911 GT1 of which there are alledgedly only 20 in the world. I'm just curious if anyone has any data on the value of these cars, ie original price from Porsche or ones that have traded hands lately. Only thing I could fine was one that was sold at auction in 2003 for 580,000 euros.
i saw one on ebay a few years ago.... can't remember how much it cost - i don't remember it being in 7 digits tho.
fast-autos.net (awesome source for car stats/pics) says it was $912,000..... it doesn't have any additional info, though, which is surprising; they usually have a decent-sized blurb about the car as well.

BUT the price listed on this site usually doesn't reflect increased value of the vehicle over time (for instance, a 1995 F50 is shown at 480,000, which was probably the MSRP price of the vehicle in 95, but it is now -and maybe then, even- significantly greater)

anyway, check it out
If I recall, those GT1's were exchanging hands in the low million dollar range. Every one I've ever seen was white and they are very, very rare:wink: Dupont Registry seems to have them every now and again.
If I recall, those GT1's were exchanging hands in the low million dollar range. Every one I've ever seen was white and they are very, very rare:wink: Dupont Registry seems to have them every now and again.

the one i saw on ebay was white..... somewhere in florida, i think
i remember i saw one of the 911 GT1 in brooklyn, NY. Its blue/red, it was parked in front of a high end auto shop. Looks just great and special. :biggrin:
There is a white replica in SoCal that went to a Crystal Cove meet a few years back, it fooled everyone until he opened the rear engine lid, and there was an LS1 sitting there. Even afterwards, walking around, I heard people calling others on their cellphone about the 'GT1'.

This replica was white, with gunmetal kinesis wheels, tube frame, etc., I think the owner mentioned the build cost was $2xx,xxx
Well over the million mark. Fifth gear driver who was compelled with the performance of Mclaren F1 said he would pick the GT1 over it anyday surprisingly.