Santa brought my NSX a lot of gifts today. Well D'Ecosse was involved in reshipping of my leathers from leatherseats.com and he also added a lot of good stuff to the package. Thank you D'Ecosse!
This Popehat was in the package so I had to try it out. :biggrin:
For those that know my NSX they already know that I already have a carcover which is made by the same guy that made the cover for the popemobile.
The hat was not heaven sent, but USPS did a pretty good job too :biggrin:
Santa brought my NSX a lot of gifts today. Well D'Ecosse was involved in reshipping of my leathers from leatherseats.com and he also added a lot of good stuff to the package. Thank you D'Ecosse!
This Popehat was in the package so I had to try it out. :biggrin:
For those that know my NSX they already know that I already have a carcover which is made by the same guy that made the cover for the popemobile.
The hat was not heaven sent, but USPS did a pretty good job too :biggrin: