Poor Rookie

6 January 2012
Cannon AFB
Hey guys, used to race Hondas for fun in high school, learned everything Honda inside and out and became a rotor head and started drifting. Got bored, joined the Air Force as an SP, and destroyed my back and knee in Iraq. I'm currently going through the medical retirement process and am stuck in the middle of nowhere, so driving all over the state trying to get myself repaired. Wanted an NSX since I was 12 years old and have never been able to afford one. Still can't but I'm keeping my eyes open. Been creeping here for a couple of weeks and will continue to do so. I don't really know what kind of benefit I will be to the community, but hopefully I can share some info on subjects I'm familiar with. Until then, I'll continue lurking and waiting for a relative to die and leave me enough cash to buy an NSX.
Welcome :smile: Thank you for your service to our great country!

Best of luck on your recovery!

In the mean time you can own yourself a smaller version...:biggrin:


No problem on the service part. I actually am building a Tamiya TB-03 Custom from scratch with the ARTA NSX body. Getting the parts are easy except for the damn discontinued ARTA NSX body. That should be fun.

I'm sure I'll get my NSX sometime and I'm excited to work on (don't flip out yuppies) a V6 B-series.

As for the recovery, we'll see how it goes. I can get a spinal surgery but it could leave me sterile and I'm not taking the risk.
Thanks for the link. As for the new NSX... looks like Honda made a cheap copy of the Furai. Don't like it, not one bit.

Are you sure you don't mean the Cadillac Cien Concept from 2002?
Are you sure you don't mean the Cadillac Cien Concept from 2002?

Looks similar as well, but I've been a rotorhead for a long time so even if the Furai was a copy of a 60s car, I'd still love it and compare anything similar as a copy. :biggrin:

A speed3 and an NSX lover huh? Same boat as me. I got that genpu 2010 though. That fuel pump pisses me off to no end...
Welcome! I'm actually FROM Clovis, if you can believe that. Dad retired from Cannon in 1984, and I went to Clovis High. I was actually there over Christmas to visit my folks. Don't really miss it all that much! It's too bad I don't live in Albuquerque any more, or I'd look you up when I'd drive my NSX down there in the summer to see my parents.

Anyways, you'd definitely stand out like a sore thumb in Clovis if you had an NSX, but I'd be sure you live somewhere that you can put her in a garage. The winters (as you can see) aren't pleasant all the time, the springs bring sandblasting winds, and the summers have a lot of monsoon-generated hailstorms. And none of this takes into account the rampant car vandalism/break-ins that have plagued Clovis since before I lived there. On that subject, I'd have a beater car for a daily driver, too!

All of that aside, you can get a well-taken care of '91 for less than a lot of other more common sports cars. I bought my '91 when I was a young, single dude, and it was one of the best decisions I ever made.
