Poll - Which Version of The NSX Will Stand The Test Of Time

Which NSX Will Still Look Great In 2035?

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14 November 2003
At the epicenter of the Zombie Apocalypse
The current NSX has admittedly withstood the test of time for a quarter of a century. People stop in their tracks and simply stare at it, women drop their breast feeding foundlings as they gasp in awe at it and not a day goes by when I don't hear "That's the most beautiful car I've ever seen man!". Will NSX 2.0 have the same effect and more importantly, will it invoke the same emotions in 20 years?
While I like the 2nd Gens looks alot I don't believe it will. The 1st Gen embodies timeless but subtle characteristics of the best shapes from the golden age supercars, yet it is simultaneously distinctive; you don't confuse the NA1 profile with any other car even today. Its repeatedly been called timeless in its beauty.

The new car unfortunately looks the same as many of the new age cars-only different- and not nearly as beautiful as some (Ferrari still pens the most gorgeous cars in the world eg the 458).
In my opinion, the original NSX has more impressive innovations for its era (subsequently copied by many other car manufacturers) and a unique distinctive elegant style. This is coming from a highly satisfied 23 year old owner.
Ok you had me Until "women drop their breastfeeding"
as we all know this nsx isn't a chick magnet...dick magnet yes but not a chick
Ok you had me Until "women drop their breastfeeding"
as we all know this nsx isn't a chick magnet...dick magnet yes but not a chick

I'm talking about Charlotte. The NSX 1.0 is a sex magnet for all genders. The new one, I just don't know yet.

- - - Updated - - -

This is coming from a highly satisfied 23 year old owner.

Please clarify. Are you 23 years old or have you owned an NSX for 23 years?
First saw the NSX at a Vancouver car show in 1990 and took possesion in early 1991. At the time I was driving a Porsche 1978 911SC targa purchased new and picked up directly from the Porsche plant in Stuttgart. The NSX was a hugely different driving experience and I've enjoyed it's relatively rare status ever since.
Ok you had me Until "women drop their breastfeeding"
as we all know this nsx isn't a chick magnet...dick magnet yes but not a chick

Sadly true. Maybe Acura can change that in nearby future with more propaganda about the NSX being designed by a lady... Haha