Poll: Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin is...

  • an intellectual lightweight who should have never been considered

    Votes: 23 26.1%
  • the right person for the VP job - You Betcha

    Votes: 14 15.9%
  • isn't the right person for VP now, but should run for POTIS in 2012

    Votes: 3 3.4%
  • an over ambitious, nutjob Hockey Mom who will be on her way back to AK on Nov 5

    Votes: 27 30.7%
  • will make a Porno called "GILF - Drill, baby Drill"

    Votes: 21 23.9%

  • Total voters
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30 August 2005
Just curious what my fellow Primers really think about our possible (not likely) future President (when the "Old Guy" dies)...
While she's doesn't have all the bad/shaddy associations like Obama, and while she technically has more experience, something about her just doesn't seem 'alpha' enough to me.

I'm not sure if I would rather have her and question if she can be a true leader, or run the risk with Obama knowing he's hungout with blackpanthers, radical religious, terrorist, etc.

Either way, we're screwed IMO.
While she's doesn't have all the bad/shaddy associations like Obama, and while she technically has more experience, something about her just doesn't seem 'alpha' enough to me.

I'm not sure if I would rather have her and question if she can be a true leader, or run the risk with Obama knowing he's hungout with blackpanthers, radical religious, terrorist, etc.

Either way, we're screwed IMO.

There is something about Palin where if she had been Hillary I would have a different view of her, I think many would.

For instance Bill is a pretty crafty guy and it's no wonder he was able to hit it with Monica in the WH. I didn't lose any respect for Hillary as she was simply out thought by Bill. Now Palin if she had been Hillary I think everybody would have looked at her like an idiot and the incident would have changed many opinions of her.
I am surprised Hillary is still with Bill. I expected her to stay with him until she made her bid for the WH, and then leave him if she lost.
Two women can't legally get married in NY, so there is no real reason why she needs to legally get divorced from Bill. He still sees women on the down low and so does she. But I hope his are betting looking.

There is something about Palin where if she had been Hillary I would have a different view of her, I think many would.

Like Hillary in ideology or in actually having an IQ over 60?

The reason I ride on Palin's intellectual shortcomings is because she reminds me of an ex girlfriend who use to have one of those daily calenders with the word of the day and would always try to do her best to work it into a conversation to make her appear smart. Problem was that she would always use it in the wrong context which made her look like a bigger dumb ass. But I guess that's at least a half step above making up your own words like our great "Decider" GWB. I think Palin has some street smarts and was probably pretty good at getting revenge - however I don't want my next President faking that she is smart (like the current one).
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"isn't the right person for VP now, but should run for POTIS in 2012"

I think you mean POTUS since we live in the UNITED States.

The mistake is humorously ironic considering how quickly and decidedly you express your opinion of Palin's intelligence.
"isn't the right person for VP now, but should run for POTIS in 2012"

I think you mean POTUS since we live in the UNITED States.

The mistake is humorously ironic considering how quickly and decidedly you express your opinion of Palin's intelligence.

Yep lol. Typo (U is next to the I on the keyboard) and I couldn't edit a poll.
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Palin is simply Bush with lipstick minus Daddy/Cheney/Rove. Palin and Joe the Plumber is exactly where the Republican "values" issue has dumbed down to. Nothing wrong with being from "Small town-USA". But seeing and understanding everything from a "Small town USA" perspective is just unsuitable for the POTUS and "Leader of the Free World".


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Yep. Typo (U is next to the I on the keyboard) and I couldn't edit a poll.

:wink: I looked down at the U and I on my keyboard as I was about to submit my post and that's what I figured. Still, I had to bust your chops.

I try to avoid making judgments about a person's lack of intelligence when I've never met or objectively tested that person. GWB certainly comes across as a bumbling idiot, but I don't automatically buy in to the popular perception that he's stupid. Wasn't Einstein a bit of an oddball and scatterbrain? You just can't always tell what's going on in someone's head based on their public appearance.

As a public speaker, McCain is admittedly not a whole lot better than GWB. In contrast, Obama is an excellent public speaker. However, it's often the "smooth talkers" you have to be wary of.

BTW, I assume you are a commercial pilot? I got my Private ASEL many moons ago, but haven't been up in a few years. I do miss it.
There is something about Palin where if she had been Hillary I would have a different view of her, I think many would.

Hillary, IMO, is in a class by herself. Smart as hell, a lifetime of experience, etc, etc. I would vote for her in a millisecond.
Hillary, IMO, is in a class by herself. Smart as hell, a lifetime of experience, etc, etc. I would vote for her in a millisecond.

I wonder if McCain asked Hillary to be VP? I have read that he asked Meg Whitman and she turned him down. Had it been a McCain/Clinton ticket this race wouldn't even be close.

As much as I don't like Hillary on a "personal" level, I wouldn't mind her fighting my battles for me. That woman has a "huge pair".
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Palin couldn't name the countries in NAFTA,
and didn't understand Africa was a continent:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/MWZHTJsR4Bc&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/MWZHTJsR4Bc&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Palin couldn't name the countries in NAFTA,
and didn't understand Africa was a continent:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/MWZHTJsR4Bc&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/MWZHTJsR4Bc&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

wow just wow
Palin / Wurzelbacher 2012
I wonder if in 2 years he'll have given up his dream of having his own business --deterred by the fact that more than half of his take will be redistributed to the deadbeats-- and instead decide to become one of the now-growing millions of leeches?
I wonder if in 2 years he'll have given up his dream of having his own business --deterred by the fact that more than half of his take will be redistributed to the deadbeats-- and instead decide to become one of the now-growing millions of leeches?

I doubt it. I'm sure his supposed dream of buying his own business will be replaced with dreams of running for Congress, writing a book, recording an album, etc.

I'm not sure how you figure that more than half of his income will be collected in taxes? Besides, it's a moot point since he doesn't have a plumbers license and the business he was looking to buy doesn't make over $250k.
I'm not sure how you figure that more than half of his income will be collected in taxes? Besides, it's a moot point since he doesn't have a plumbers license and the business he was looking to buy doesn't make over $250k.
1. $250K is highest bracket
2. self-employed FICA : 7.65 x 2 (BO's plan calls for no-cap)
3. state taxes
4. ?
I'm sure someone here who has his own business can add to the list

Also, companies grow/expand and X # of years from now he can be at the $250 level (or not, thanks to the stymieing, anti-business socialist)
I voted for the last option starring with Big Bill C. Almost voted for the 4th option when I saw the word "Nut Job" I would also vote for her for the next P.B. of the year cover.
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I'm not claiming to be an expert on Palin, but I would have to judge here by some of statements she has made, than it should be obvious to anyone that she would be downright dangerous to everyone everywhere whatever office she would hold.

I am also more than surprised that the whole Republican party has been unable to come up with a better candidate than this woman.
She's toast. The Republican Party will disown her, her political career is over.

Her next job will be doing commentary on Fox News.
Her next job will be doing commentary on Fox News.

Yeah right. Fox would want her to at least know the Africa is NOT a country. Looks only get you so far in the news media. She'll be on TMZ, or the new co-host on the view. :wink::tongue::biggrin:
Yeah right. Fox would want her to at least know the Africa is NOT a country. Looks only get you so far in the news media. She'll be on TMZ, or the new co-host on the view. :wink::tongue::biggrin:

The View already has a right wing, nut job that is an idiot.

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