POLL: Marketplace Delays

29 November 2005
I am an original S2000 Owner, and I just got a NSX, looking to Mod it, I love Modding cars, and getting parts, and doing all that. My s2000 is done, and I just hate to wait for my post to get posted, or my reply to get posted. I have missed out on a few great deals, cause my questions, or my replys were not good enough to be posted... WTH. :mad: :mad: The only bad question is the question no asked. The reason I loved the s2000 community, transactions were smooth, and fast, of course you will get your share of knuckleheads, and people that ask a million questions and don't buy anything. I just think the Moderators should watch out for bad sellers, and fraud type posts. I Pm'd the mods and the reply I keep getting is, this is not our full time gig, we are helping out the community, and we get to it when we can... :confused: :confused: . I appreciate what they are doing for the community, cause not eveyone will step out and do that, but 3 days to say: YOUR POST HAS BEEN DELETED.. :mad: :mad: I know I am new, I have not donated.. blah , blah , blah... I am looking beyond that, and want to become a sponsor on this forum, to offer new products, and discoutns to members on other items, but this problem just drives me nuts... I wanted to get a feel, and hopefully change some stuff around here to see how many members feel the same way. I love this place, just like I love S2ki, but something needs to be done.

POst your reply as:

If you like how it is already, Mods going through every post put (LEAVE IT)

If you want it to change, and have posts go up right away put (CHANGE IT)
redat9 said:
I have missed out on a few great deals, cause my questions, or my replys were not good enough to be posted...
What you're saying doesn't make sense. If you have a question for a seller, send him a private message! He'll receive it instantly. No waiting, no worries.

redat9 said:
POst your reply as:
If you really want to take a poll, you should use the poll function that's part of the software in this forum. When creating a topic, you have the opportunity to make it a poll, which makes it easy for people to vote and to tally the results.

Elsewhere, the moderators have explained the reasons that the marketplace forums are moderated.

The system here may not be perfect, but it works better than others I have seen, where people bump their listings constantly, where flames occur, where rules are not followed, etc.

nsxtasy said:
What you're saying doesn't make sense. If you have a question for a seller, send him a private message! He'll receive it instantly. No waiting, no worries.

If you really want to take a poll, you should use the poll function that's part of the software in this forum. When creating a topic, you have the opportunity to make it a poll, which makes it easy for people to vote and to tally the results.

Elsewhere, the moderators have explained the reasons that the marketplace forums are moderated.

The system here may not be perfect, but it works better than others I have seen, where people bump their listings constantly, where flames occur, where rules are not followed, etc.


I understand where you are coming from with this, but I think that if you have a question for the buyer it can be asked Publically, and everyone can see the reply. We are all of age here not to flame on each other I think, I hope. Couldnt find the poll feature on my thing, that is why I did it this way, I was looking for that feature as well. Everyone has their opinions that is what this thread is for , but I still stand by changing it up.
My vote: LEAVE IT

I agree with nsxtasy. If it is that important of a question, PM the seller. There is NO FASTER way to get in contact with the seller, and your spot in the queue can be verified since it is time stamped. This is assuming that the seller is fair and honest in assessing who is first using that time stamp. If you legitimately should be offered first and instead the seller sells to someone else, then they're probably not honest and/or upstanding, and you're probably better off not having dealt with them in the first place. At the same time, I would also post the question, and if it is valid, it will eventually be posted for everyone to see.

And also like nsxtasy says, I'm not a fan of people bumping their thread way TOO often. On some sites, it gets completely out of hand. And to me, that's counter to what I generally see in this forum, which is one where most people are good at policing themselves.

Just my two cents.

small inconvenience for a cleaner/efficient system of forum e-commerce!

Post your reply as:
If you like how it is already, Mods going through every post put (LEAVE IT)
If you want it to change, and have posts go up right away put (CHANGE IT)

Though, I'd like a designated time to serve as a deadline for submitting an ad' or post a comment to existing ad'. Also, I'd like a designated time which new ad's and moderated post's comments are available for viewing. Maketh` any sense?!? :redface:

Another insight, posting an ad' is a privilege - not a right on NSX Prime. Aloof, ambivalent, indifferent, LAZY, BIASED, IGNORANT sellers are not welcome or to be tolerated... even if they have ITB's, JDM-goodies, or a fire-sale.

Respect is respect, period.

If someone has taken the time to contact/message/post, be courteous as a seller and do justice to the question or inquiry, even if your item has sold already!

I agree with the points brought up by nsxtasy and FuryNSX. Besides, as a potential buyer, it's in your own interest to contact the seller privately. I remember what the marketplace was like before it was moderated. We are fortunate to have folks donating their time.

Slightly off-topic: In an ideal world - one with a site admin who has infinite resources - I think an online NSX marketplace would not be implemented using forums software. It should be more like an online-classifieds. So, I don't think it's wise to presume forum-centric features, like public replies (especially since it has the site-effect of bumping the entire listing) should make sense in a marketplace environment. Leave it up to the seller to add information that he or she left out in the original listing. Maybe replies should only be of the rare "red flag" type (alert other potential buyers of inaccuracies, products not represented correctly, etc.).

redat9 said:
Couldnt find the poll feature on my thing, that is why I did it this way, I was looking for that feature as well.
See attached image.


  • nsxprime-poll-option.GIF
    50.4 KB · Views: 54
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Seems like alot of the Older members that have been on Prime for a while want to keep it the old way and leave it. Alot of the newer member as myself, like a quick turnaround, and quick sale. I guess it is just a difference in opinion. When it comes to car parts, and anything car related, I like to live my life New York Style (Very Fast). Any newer members that can relate to what I am feeling, I think alot of us are just used to the forums from other sites, where things happen instantly. We will see what the majority of everyone thinks.

Don't got the poll option, in my new thread starter. :confused:
I t doesn't really matter what you think or vote on - this is not a democratic entity where you get to decide what goes - the site owner & Moderator makes the rules & we try to enforce them accordingly.
It seems to work for the majority.

One of the reasons it sometimes takes some time to process is because of the volume of posts where some members (like you frankly, redat9) fail to read & abide by the established rules.

Take this thread which I assume you are using as your point of contention since it is the only active one you have in the marketplace:

(you also had another attempted thread previously deleted because you hadn't read the rules & submitted it with no prices attached.)

Intial post made on 7/31 13:57- was approved on 7/31 at 18:21 (3 hrs & 24 mins)

You had four subsequent posts deleted for rules non-conformance - essentially bumps with no additional information or specific message.
(two of these were "pics coming" & "pics posted")

1) 7/31 22:02 - deleted 08/01 at 09:08 (11 hrs & 6 mins - recognize overnight however!)
2) 8/01 08:40 - deleted 08/01 at 09:08 (28 mins)
3) 8/01 09:25 - deleted 08/01 at 11:00 (1 hr 35 mins)
4) 8/02 22:30 - deleted 08/04 at 22:53 (48 hrs 23 mins) - I'll try to get to your deletions sooner next time :biggrin:

Then I did you a favour by actually merging your most recent post with an update of SOLD on one item to the original (which you should have done in the first place!), as opposed to just deleting it.

Do everyone a favour to help get their posts approved in a timely manner by not wasting our time having to check on your non-conformances.
redat9 said:
Seems like alot of the Older members that have been on Prime for a while want to keep it the old way and leave it. Alot of the newer member as myself, like a quick turnaround, and quick sale. I guess it is just a difference in opinion. When it comes to car parts, and anything car related, I like to live my life New York Style (Very Fast). Any newer members that can relate to what I am feeling, I think alot of us are just used to the forums from other sites, where things happen instantly. We will see what the majority of everyone thinks.

Don't got the poll option, in my new thread starter. :confused:
On the contrary, I never said I don't want a quick sale. I'd love to have that. Instant gratification is never a bad thing. :D

But what I will say is that I do follow the rules as required by the administrator of this site. If those rules require that I allow a certain amount of time to pass before I close a transaction, so be it. Bottom line, by using this site to sell an NSX product, I am able to get that product in front of the appropriate audience with ZERO transaction fees to me.

Keep in mind that you solicitated the views of users of this forum. Established members inherently have a history of chiming in with their opinions and will thus be the majority. Most of them are already used to how this site functions, and have long made comparisons to other forums, with this forum often being viewed in a more positive light. As such, you should expect the results of your poll not to fall in your favor.

D'Ecosse said:
I t doesn't really matter what you think or vote on - this is not a democratic entity where you get to decide what goes - the site owner & Moderator makes the rules & we try to enforce them accordingly.
It seems to work for the majority.

One of the reasons it sometimes takes some time to process is because of the volume of posts where some members (like you frankly, redat9) fail to read & abide by the established rules.

Take this thread which I assume you are using as your point of contention since it is the only active one you have in the marketplace:

(you also had another attempted thread previously deleted because you hadn't read the rules & submitted it with no prices attached.)

Intial post made on 7/31 13:57- was approved on 7/31 at 18:21 (3 hrs & 24 mins)

You had four subsequent posts deleted for rules non-conformance - essentially bumps with no additional information or specific message.
(two of these were "pics coming" & "pics posted")

1) 7/31 22:02 - deleted 08/01 at 09:08 (11 hrs & 6 mins - recognize overnight however!)
2) 8/01 08:40 - deleted 08/01 at 09:08 (28 mins)
3) 8/01 09:25 - deleted 08/01 at 11:00 (1 hr 35 mins)
4) 8/02 22:30 - deleted 08/04 at 22:53 (48 hrs 23 mins) - I'll try to get to your deletions sooner next time :biggrin:

Then I did you a favour by actually merging your most recent post with an update of SOLD on one item to the original (which you should have done in the first place!), as opposed to just deleting it.

Do everyone a favour to help get their posts approved in a timely manner b

y not wasting our time having to check on your non-conformances.

Hope that you are not taking this as a shot directed towards you, I am not pointing any fingers, I admire the mods for what they do, just it gets frustrating at times, you guys PM'd me to let me thought be heard in this forum, so I am. I am saying what I feel, and I am getting a feel of what all the other members think. Not a matter of who is right,and who is wrong, just a general Consensus. I understand from your replys what I did wrong in my threads, and I will make the proper adjustments and try again.
Are you seeking unlimited bumps/ttt/etc'?

FYI, you don't need that here on 'PRIME. Why, you may ask? NSX-related parts are literally gold. It's not of will they sell, but how quickly they will sell. Keen users of 'PRIME use the 'search' posts function efficiently and very often. However, this doesn't mean price-gouging works: nada, NSX-owners/enthusiasts are too wise for such.

Posts in a thread can be edited for quite a long time after being originally composed. Use that to your advantage.

Be clear/concise/competent in the 'For Sale' post, ie. how you wish to be contacted, whether it's local or shipping is ok, include pics, state condition accurately, preferred way of compensation (ex. Paypal w/o credit-card, M.O./cert'-cheque, trades welcome, OBO/or-best-offer, etc').

A lot of the protocol for the 'Market Forums' elevates the quality and organization of the threads. Of-course a speedier, more real-time friendly process would be ideal. But, then a lot of the benefits now bestowed to the 'Market Forums' users would be impossible. Perhaps the closest solution would be a publicly posted time-table of who's on watch & when, as well as when posts need to be in by to be open for public viewing at a certain time. I dunno, it's not my ship nor am I the Cap'n. Though, I've been called Commander before, but of-course that's a whole other escapade, err- story! :biggrin:

These newer & quicker forums you speak of are crappe`. Have you seen how many times people have been burned on transactions? How much mischief/ foul-play/ fraud/ etc' occurs? How easily a thread deteriates into an IM-like fire-fight amongst under'sex'd, socially-devoid, inarticulate forum-users?

I still can't see what your basis is for change? You tried to bump the threads too soon, you didn't state the price, you didn't follow the outlined rules.

Do realize moderators are volunteers? Are you for a sales-tax to compensate for round-the-clock moderation that's performance-based? There's a plausible solution to every situation, but there needs to be insight AND compromise (patience or $$$).
redat9 said:
I am an original S2000 Owner, and I just got a NSX, looking to Mod it, I love Modding cars, and getting parts, and doing all that. My s2000 is done, and I just hate to wait for my post to get posted, or my reply to get posted. I have missed out on a few great deals, cause my questions, or my replys were not good enough to be posted... WTH. :mad: :mad: The only bad question is the question no asked. The reason I loved the s2000 community, transactions were smooth, and fast, of course you will get your share of knuckleheads, and people that ask a million questions and don't buy anything. I just think the Moderators should watch out for bad sellers, and fraud type posts. I Pm'd the mods and the reply I keep getting is, this is not our full time gig, we are helping out the community, and we get to it when we can... :confused: :confused: . I appreciate what they are doing for the community, cause not eveyone will step out and do that, but 3 days to say: YOUR POST HAS BEEN DELETED.. :mad: :mad: I know I am new, I have not donated.. blah , blah , blah... I am looking beyond that, and want to become a sponsor on this forum, to offer new products, and discoutns to members on other items, but this problem just drives me nuts... I wanted to get a feel, and hopefully change some stuff around here to see how many members feel the same way. I love this place, just like I love S2ki, but something needs to be done.

POst your reply as:

If you like how it is already, Mods going through every post put (LEAVE IT)

If you want it to change, and have posts go up right away put (CHANGE IT)

I searched your posts/threads to get an idea of what has been happening and found the same as Ken did, fair treatment!
The PM you got was not exactly true, unless you read something else.
FYI, I sent a PM back that said:
It was as you suggest previously and it was out of control. Yes, threads and posts sometimes takes days because we have lifes outside of donating our time on Prime. You'll come to appreciate the way things are run around here. Take a moment and read this thread. It will explain quite a bit on the subject.

Is this how you would like it to be???
146 bumps and 14 replys
or this? 150 bumps
redat9 said:
... I Pm'd the mods and the reply I keep getting is, this is not our full time gig, we are helping out the community, and we get to it when we can...
I certainly didn't say that either - I did tell you that per the instruction in the notifications, if you have any questions to post them in this forum - once again you didn't read the instruction & PM'd apparently both Anytime & me (at least) directly.
redat9 said:
.... I understand from your replys what I did wrong in my threads, and I will make the proper adjustments and try again.
Rather than have to 'learn' by us correcting your persistant problems, why not start by reading & understanding, then following the rules.
Delays are part of life :wink:

While I would like to see my posts in the market place when I am buying come up right away just to scare off other buyers my PM or email gets through to the seller right away. So there is no problem that I can see as a buyer.

As a frequent seller the biggest problem I have is people that PM/email me and say they want to buy and then I don't hear anything more from them. I guess if they had to post in an open forum they might be a little more inclined to follow through.

The moderators here do a great job.
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Osiris_x11 said:
Are you seeking unlimited bumps/ttt/etc'?

FYI, you don't need that here on 'PRIME. Why, you may ask? NSX-related parts are literally gold. It's not of will they sell, but how quickly they will sell. Keen users of 'PRIME use the 'search' posts function efficiently and very often. However, this doesn't mean price-gouging works: nada, NSX-owners/enthusiasts are too wise for such.

Posts in a thread can be edited for quite a long time after being originally composed. Use that to your advantage.

Be clear/concise/competent in the 'For Sale' post, ie. how you wish to be contacted, whether it's local or shipping is ok, include pics, state condition accurately, preferred way of compensation (ex. Paypal w/o credit-card, M.O./cert'-cheque, trades welcome, OBO/or-best-offer, etc').

A lot of the protocol for the 'Market Forums' elevates the quality and organization of the threads. Of-course a speedier, more real-time friendly process would be ideal. But, then a lot of the benefits now bestowed to the 'Market Forums' users would be impossible. Perhaps the closest solution would be a publicly posted time-table of who's on watch & when, as well as when posts need to be in by to be open for public viewing at a certain time. I dunno, it's not my ship nor am I the Cap'n. Though, I've been called Commander before, but of-course that's a whole other escapade, err- story! :biggrin:

These newer & quicker forums you speak of are crappe`. Have you seen how many times people have been burned on transactions? How much mischief/ foul-play/ fraud/ etc' occurs? How easily a thread deteriates into an IM-like fire-fight amongst under'sex'd, socially-devoid, inarticulate forum-users?

I still can't see what your basis is for change? You tried to bump the threads too soon, you didn't state the price, you didn't follow the outlined rules.

Do realize moderators are volunteers? Are you for a sales-tax to compensate for round-the-clock moderation that's performance-based? There's a plausible solution to every situation, but there needs to be insight AND compromise (patience or $$$).

Great Explanation. I will take this thread as a learning lesson, and abide by the community rules. I just wanted to voice my opinion. I guess that I will just need to change my views of this forum, and go with the flow. I do understand that the mods are volunteers, and this was in no way a direct hit towards them, I too appreciate what they do for this community, maybe a possible solution would be to add on one more moderator, that can help with the workload, and everyone would be happy. I myself in the future, once I learn all the ins and outs of this community would be willing to help out. Thanks for all the information, very helpful.
Unless you are talking about tech improvements that would make submissions dummy proof, and I don't know it would be worth while for the expenses that might be involved.

Randy hit the nail on the head; Target market, with no fees.