Political quiz

"According to your answers, your political philosophy is on the border of: left-liberal and libertarian"

No surprise there. However, I suspect many people doing this survey will be surprised by the results.
Sounds like the purpose of this test is to apply labels to people's way of thinking, and then solicit you (and your money) if you place yourself in the most frequently chosen category. Note how the name of that category just happens to be the same as a political party, which is not true of the other labels.
Last year I saw a similar survey at another Libertarian site. They are definately trying to recruit, but that does not make the survey any less accurate.

What the survey tends to show is that most people who label themselves "conservative" are more socially & economically conservative (which translates into Libertarian) and not always authoritarian which is where the conservative party (Republican) in this country tends to be.

Many Liberals are also socially conservative. So a fair number of people who tend to vote Democrat or Republican would be better served by voting Libertarian. This is why "Libertarian" was the most common result to the survey. Its an ideology that most Americans agree with, yet neither of the 2 major parties represent this view.
the questions on that quiz are definately not unbiased. they're designed in such a way as to make you want to choose one side or the other.
"Replace government welfare with private charity"
could just as easily be construed as "remove welfare" and get a totally different response.
As far as the questions being biased, or written to get a particular answer, read the FAQ on that page.

The fact that over 65% of those taking it get responses other than libertarian would also suggest it isn't some kind of "trick".

Brian2by2 got a right-conservative result, one he probably agrees is accurate for him.
yea, and i'm a centrist, leaning libertarian. weird how that works out. Somehow saying the gov't should not restrict free speech puts me 2 points to the left. are they saying conservatives dont like free speech? national id cards are only a conservative idea?
There's far too little of a sample to accurately pigeonhole someone into an ideology, and the available answers dont cover anywhere near the amount of responses held (at least by me)
paladin said:
Somehow saying the gov't should not restrict free speech puts me 2 points to the left. are they saying conservatives dont like free speech?

Yes, that is what they are saying.

The exact wording is "Government should not censor speech, press, media or Internet".

The conservatives who are currently in the leadership positions in the FCC are the ones who are cracking down on people such as Howard Stern for violating their "rules". Absolute free speech would have no such rules or censorship.

During the wars in Afghanistan & Iraq, journalists had to have their stories approved by the Pentagon before printing, or else they would lose access to the front line of the war. Whether or not you agree with such a decision, this is certainly a form of censorship.
Eric5273 said:
The exact wording is "Government should not censor speech, press, media or Internet".

The conservatives who are currently in the leadership positions in the FCC are the ones who are cracking down on people such as Howard Stern for violating their "rules". Absolute free speech would have no such rules or censorship.

During the wars in Afghanistan & Iraq, journalists had to have their stories approved by the Pentagon before printing, or else they would lose access to the front line of the war. Whether or not you agree with such a decision, this is certainly a form of censorship.
I certainly wouldnt hope you would agree with absolute free speech. There are some things (not Stern) which simply cant be protected. Stuff outlined in the 1st amendment.

And of course the gov't should moniter what the front line press is doing, or else you get dipshits like Geraldo giving away troop plans and positions!
paladin said:
I certainly wouldnt hope you would agree with absolute free speech. There are some things (not Stern) which simply cant be protected. Stuff outlined in the 1st amendment.

And of course the gov't should moniter what the front line press is doing, or else you get dipshits like Geraldo giving away troop plans and positions!

Well, as you say there is stuff in the 1st amendment that limits it, however the FCC rules regarding what can and cannot be said (or shown) on TV & Radio violates the first ammendment.

Obviously reporters should not give away troop positions. But this is not what I was talking about. I am talking about newspaper reporters who for example, are not allowed to print the picture of a dead soldier or his American Flag-drapped coffin. Or during the Afghan war, were not allowed to even enter the Toro Bora region at all for over a month after fighting started there. Or during the Gulf War, were not allowed to enter the "neutral zone" until after the Earth Movers burried the dead bodies as described in this article.

These items are definately censorship, and they are all policies of right wing consertative politicians. So yes, being in support of the statement "Government should not censor speech, press, media or Internet" would definately make you a liberal, at least on this issue.
shove it! lol

They had an english teacher explain what this meant on the Japanese news, hearing him explain that its short for shove it up your arse with written Japanese captions included was priceless!