Polishing Chrome NSX wheels

19 October 2006
The 'Nati
JAN 2011

My '91 features nice mid-90's OEM chrome 16"/17" NSX rims that were getting cloudy over the last year. There was a white haze all over them. I used a chrome cleaner and they looked even worse, so I thought that it might be a chemical reaction to a clear coat. I was thinking that new wheels or powder coating these would be the next project...

...until today, when I tried using Turtle Wax Polishing Cream with a simple wax applicator pad and they look absolutely fabulous! Polishing Cream is less abrasive that Rubbing Compound, and is designed for paint. It took all of the hazy, white mess off and they look virtually brand new again!

I'll post 'before' and 'after' pictures soon ... just wanted to share this point since others have these same wheels.


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Chrome wheels usually don't have any other type of coating over the chrome. It sounds like you found something that worked for you, and you are HAPPY now. Your car looks nice.

I usually just get some "000" steel wool and it takes all of the grime off of any chrome plated items. After a fair amount of "elbow grease" I then give my wheels a coat of Turtle Wax ICE. Easy on, easy off.

thanks for the comments. hey brad, it is funny you mentioned 000 steel wool. i did some research to find solutions and was wondering about 000 or 0000, but was afraid it would leave tons of little scratches .... glad to know that is not the case.

one funny thing i found was contradictions on this topic...
> 1 article: use brasso and 0000 steel wool to make the chrome look 'like new'.
> another article: use brasso and 0000 steel wool to remove the chrome before re-plating.
= i wasn't sure which to believe, so i've kept away from that combo!
The steel wool, either 000 or 0000, won't hurt the chrome and it won't leave any scratches. Really not much difference between 000 and 0000.

Find an old car with a chrome bumper that is really tarnished and give it a try.....after you do a small spot you won't want to stop till you do the whole thing. Then all you will want to do is stand there and stare at it.....

To remove chrome is a chemical process, unless it is poor quality and it starts to peal. Then it usually only comes off in patches.

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below are pictures I took of 1 wheel before polishing, where you can see the white, cloudy finish ... and the 2nd after using the polishing cream. i am going to buy the 'Mother's cone' so I can re-polish in the harder to reach areas between the spokes ... but I was really happy with the results compared with how the wheels were looking before this process.


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BTW - I did not use steel wool to polish the chrome ... just Turtle Wax Polishing Cream with a soft cloth rag.
are you sure those are chrome? usually chrome just clean off with glass cleaners. wheels look like they are polished. There is a nick on the lip and the chrome is not flaking off from it.
I thought it would be worth trying this product on my 99 OEM wheels before deciding wheather to powder coat or not. Could not find Turtle wax Polishing Cream, only Turtle wax Polishing Compound. Is this the same product?
Yes, those wheels are not chrome, they have been polished. You can use one of the "wadding" polishes which is a cotton material filled with polishing compound, or you can use the old stand-by, mother's mag and chrome polish.

- But what you need is a product called "zoopseal" It will REALLY polish them and then gives you a second product that seals the metal to avoid it oxidizing - really works.

Simple test I use to determine if a metal piece has been anodized,chromed or clearcoated - I use a small piece of the wadding polish to rub it and see if any black oxide picks up.
Agreed, wheels are polished not chrome. I'm sure after you cleaned your wheels with the turtle wax product the rag was black correct?