Polished look

24 January 2003
Golden, CO
Would this look cool for an NSX?


I think it would.

I am stuned that no one has done a chrome NSX. Maybe get the Comptech Widebody kit and chrome each panel piece. Then the doors and then you are set right?

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If you truly love your NSX then you find joy in polishing and washing your NSX. When I am washing mine it is a very relaxing and enjoyable chore and a great stress reliever.

Wow, that looks crazy. It might be the Terminator from T2 or T3 though.:)
That looks like it would cook you if you touched it during the hot Texas summer. I wonder what the other drivers would do when you blinded them with your solar reflection... :cool:
Tantheman said:
If you truly love your NSX then you find joy in polishing and washing your NSX. When I am washing mine it is a very relaxing and enjoyable chore and a great stress reliever.

I enjoy cleaning both my cars but it can get to be to much of a task keeping it clean ALL the time.
Just ask ZRO260B4U.
Tantheman said:
If you truly love your NSX then you find joy in polishing and washing your NSX.

It's going to take quite a lot of washings and polishings before you get down to the bare aluminum :D