Policy regarding used parts [moved from another thread]

11 July 2014
Chicago, IL
Fellow Primers...to hijack this thread for a minute...I know that many of us prefer new parts for our cars but for others, used parts makes sense. Going back thirty years to my my first Fiat and having to scrounge the junkyards for a water pump, etc. and then installing myself, I learned a thing or two about why you buy new.

I am worried that our next generation of Primers will be buying from our boards and getting shafted by nefarious sellers (yes, I have been jacked more than once by what appears to be standup people). I am trying to get a movement started whereby we require sellers to unequivocably take back parts if they are found defective...basically a money-back guarantee. An example would be a frame part...newbie buys it, it is bent and after paying for three hours labor and an alignment they are out $700 or so. Seems like a shaft-job to me. And then what...they attempt to return the part and you get a "caveat emptor" response? We are bigger than that...let's police our own and kick out the knuckleheads selling crap parts.

I am asking for your support here. Just a thought, maybe we have a better way to handle?