Police Raid house for using too much power?!

I'm not a lawyer by any means..But I really think if that was a grow operation... A good lawyer can get that throw out as insufficient grounds for raid....

having a high electricity bill doesn't necessary mean a "grow operation"
This is old news in the U.S. Neo. That and the use of thermal imaging cameras to identify the grow lamps or chem "kitchens" has been debated here for almost a decade.
Grow houses are a big problem over here.
The people who walk around and read the meters, carry with them a thermal imaging camera.

People will rent out a house, cut 2ft by 2ft holes in all the floors to vent the moiseture to the roof.
They paint the windows so you can't see in, and by pass the meter.
Every week we here about a big bust.
It started out in the bad section of town, but now they are poping up everywere.

They just busted a 50,000 sq ft factory, out in the middle of no were.
It was a grow house, with 50 workers and a 4 generator's.
The electrical company thought it was strange, that they were not using any power.
prova4re said:
Grow houses are a big problem over here.
The people who walk around and read the meters, carry with them a thermal imaging camera.

People will rent out a house, cut 2ft by 2ft holes in all the floors to vent the moiseture to the roof.
They paint the windows so you can't see in, and by pass the meter.
Every week we here about a big bust.
It started out in the bad section of town, but now they are poping up everywere.

They just busted a 50,000 sq ft factory, out in the middle of no were.
It was a grow house, with 50 workers and a 4 generator's.
The electrical company thought it was strange, that they were not using any power.

Yup I'd say it's pretty bad in Ontario...

I don't have firsthand experience..but it's what most of the biker gangs have been doing, and it's in the middle of residential neighbourhoods too!
prova4re said:
Grow houses are a big problem over here.
The people who walk around and read the meters, carry with them a thermal imaging camera.

People will rent out a house, cut 2ft by 2ft holes in all the floors to vent the moiseture to the roof.
They paint the windows so you can't see in, and by pass the meter.
Every week we here about a big bust.
It started out in the bad section of town, but now they are poping up everywere.

They just busted a 50,000 sq ft factory, out in the middle of no were.
It was a grow house, with 50 workers and a 4 generator's.
The electrical company thought it was strange, that they were not using any power.

How much Hydro comes out of a 50,000 sqft greenhouse! Geez:p
I bet that guy had enough cash left over for a Basch Boost....j/k :D
most real grow operations do it the right way and tap off the main line...then no one knows

yeah i've 'heard' in Japan 'some' guys have two electric meters and 'may' bribe the meter guy with some 'kind' of 'peace' offering.

In my old town Adelaide renting out a house for the purpose of hydroponic growing is common. There have been raids due to excess power consumption. A well known drag racer was busted as he was using the funds to continue racing. The funny thing was the smell was so strong the police smelt it after going to a next door neighbour for an unrelated crime, thats how he was busted!

All the above is alleged ;) By the way its technically legal in South Australia 3 trees for personal use, it used to be ten!. If caught on the spot ,fine no record or conviction.
ajnsx said:
By the way its technically legal in South Australia 3 trees for personal use, it used to be ten!. If caught on the spot ,fine no record or conviction.

Also Legal in alaska for personal consumption up to a certain amount but i forget the numbers.
ncdogdoc said:
This is old news in the U.S. Neo. That and the use of thermal imaging cameras to identify the grow lamps or chem "kitchens" has been debated here for almost a decade.

Sorry Doc.

Now i'm worried about my kick-butt computer ... it draws more power than the BTTF DeLorean! :D