Point-by etiquette?

28 October 2002
Atlanta, GA
I had a situation on the track (track day event, not real racing) where we had a lot of drivers in a "freight train" - caught up behind a slower driver in front. I had a guy behind me with a serious attitude, who got major PO'd at me because I didn't point him by immediately. I normally wait for the guys in front to pass the slower guy who's right in front of them, figuring they've been waiting longer than us in the back and to keep the whole thing cleaner and safer.

Anyone have any thoughts or rules on that?

If you are stuck in a train it is the responsibility of the lead car that is holding everyone up to give the initial point bys. After everyone has passed him, then you can see who is actually faster and whether the guy behind you should get a point by. Presumably, that situation should play out fairly quickly because the lead car should be blue flagged at the next station and traffic should start to get by him. When all else fails, pull through the pits and let the train get ahead so you can get some open track.
That's what I thought, thanx much. I'd like to tell that guy with the stick up his butt about what to do with said stick... He went and talked to the track steward and had this big scene and everything. I'll keep doing it the way I did it.
I agree. When there's a train, get the past the slow lead car first. Then the other cars can sort themselves out from each other.
While the above comments are all correct re the etiquette in HPDE, if I have a hot shoe behind me with an attitude, I don't bother on waiting for things to sort out, I give the point by at the first opportunity, perhaps even after I get the point by. Such drivers will slice and dice on your rear bumper if they are faster or when you get caught up with another slower driver; the risk is too high for an incident to happen due to their overzealous raciness. Give them the point by and go your merry way chasing them or as suggested get in the hot pit and ask for spacing ;)

W said:
This is my biggest pet peeve because I track a low HP car and spend a lot of time pitting to get room.

In my case, I'm the hot shoe who has to pit because I don't get the point by (other driver is overall slower but has a lot more horsepower and won't let me pass on the straights).
W said:
In my case, I'm the hot shoe who has to pit because I don't get the point by (other driver is overall slower but has a lot more horsepower and won't let me pass on the straights).
This is where the difference between the people running the events comes into play. The principle is, if someone is right behind you as you are approaching the passing zone, you should let them go by, rather than out-accelerating them going down the straight. Many organizations mention this in the driver's meeting. But only the really good ones work with the safety crew (corner workers) to enforce it, by displaying passing flags right before the passing zones and/or by black flagging the car that pulls away down the straight instead of giving the pass.