PM'S: do you ask to be notified when its read?

10 April 2000
Silicon Valley
i realize this may be an odd post (ok, so what's new :), but over the past couple of weeks i've exchanged a high volume of pm's with prime users. when sending a pm, i always decline the "do you want to be notified?" option as it feels a bit like invasion of privacy of the recipient.

but it's got me wondering, what about other users here - do you folks ask to be notified or not?

(suppose i shoulda/coulda create a poll, no?)
Not usually; unless I really want to know if they read it or not.

Zahntech, it tells you by saying if the message was confirmed or not.
Are we talking about the e-mail notifications? I want to change the E-mail used, to my Yahoo from my MSN, becuase I don't like MSN anymore...yada yada yada.
Lets not turn this into another honor point debate. ;) I think PM notification is a great tool. I dont always use it because it bumps the items in up your inbox. However, on occassions it is extremely useful to know if a person has read a PM. For example, the <B>Grammar Nazi</B> still has two PM's from me he hasn't read! :D

Pacemaker Kid89 said:
Are we talking about the e-mail notifications? I want to change the E-mail used, to my Yahoo from my MSN, becuase I don't like MSN anymore...yada yada yada.

No. E-mail notification is different. We're talking about when you send a PM, you can choose to track when the message has been read.
Thank you for the clarificaton. And as for grammer, I think a spell check would be nice, sometimes we make mistakes and we dont even know it.
ChopsJazz said:
Is there a designated Grammar Nazi? Or is that me, because I'm such a school marm about such things.
Nah, it can't be me. I've read all your PMs. I'm just paranoid! :wink:

There is a designated <A HREF="">Grammar Nazi</A>. He is very real, very scary, and extremely 'right' wing. :D

Your linkie no workie. :(