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Thanks for your excellent explanatory pictures [USER=18194]@Honcho[/USER], but I was not clear enough in my question. I understand the engine parts of the plumbing and the part "after" which is the throttle body.

My question is the "labyrinth" pipe adjacent to one of the crankcase breathers, which I showed in my 1st pic and have now circled in blue in your picture. What is it for? I see no reason for the (pink) hose-to-labrynth, labyrinth, hose-from-labrynth-to-TB, which practically cross over each other as shown in my 1st pic, when one hose as I've shown in green here would suffice. In fact, the 1st OEM hose is flexible enough to plug right in as I've shown it!


Thanks for any insight into this labyrinthine question.
