Please wear your seat belts! (gruesome accident pics)

Ouch!! I still dont understand why some people refuse to use seatbelts. I am in the medical field and i see this kind of stuff on a regular basis. Many young people think its uncool to use a seatbelt. Well, when you see their friends come into the ICU to see their friend with their face bashed in and cut from hitting the window, or apendages missing, or hanging onto their life it becomes very uncool and hopefully makes them wonder. Such a simple thing as buckling up could save so many lives and prevent so much grief.
Now this is a grusome accident.


  • 355_102302_007.jpg
    37.6 KB · Views: 155
I dont think the seat belt helped here.


  • 355_102302_006.jpg
    48.3 KB · Views: 159
That does look pretty bad.

Update: apparently the driver of the T-bird had 3 kids in the car with him, and they all died. I hate when sh*t like this happens. :( Also, the guy was driving too fast, and on bald tires. What a moron!