Please support my freind Denise getting her head shaved! For a great cause!

9 November 2007
My freind Denise is trying to get her head shaved for the St. Baldricks Foundation, they fund research to find cures for childhood cancers for children and young adults. Denise got cancer when she was 13 and lost her hair, so along with raising money she is doing it to support other girls that are loosing their hair or have lost their hair due to cancer. its a very noble cause, especially for a woman!

Most of us have been affected by cancer in one way or another, most of us know someone who has had cancer or have unfortunately lost someone to cancer and your donations will be greatly appreciated!

The goal she set is $1000, the donations are accepted in range from $1-499 and every dollar is greatly appreciated! Thanks Primers! :smile:

She is a cutie too! Which i personally think is great for all the young girls dealing with cancer to see her give her hair up in support of them:biggrin: She is also a RN and a "big sister" this gal has her head on straight!

P.S. her name is Denise Miclat and you can donate in memory of someone, and if you donate please add your prime screen name and "prime" in the alias section so we know who you are! there is also an anonymous option for all you ninja status guys with big hearts!
