Please help me out over here at DigitalCorvettes

Sorry, one needs to register in order to view the forum and I'm too apathetic to register for another site.

But if they want to bring a flame war's on. [swingers]Oh, it's sooo on[/swingers] :wink:
I can't believe I wasted my time posting over there, but I did. What percentage of those guys wear bowling shirts as casual wear?
OK. I registered and posted. We'll see the response. Most of them bash a car they have never driven and probably never seen. That comment about the NSX looking like a civic for a distance. What a freaking idiot. What does a vette look like? A firebird? A camero? A POS?
NetViper said:
OK. I registered and posted. We'll see the response. Most of them bash a car they have never driven and probably never seen. That comment about the NSX looking like a civic for a distance. What a freaking idiot. What does a vette look like? A firebird? A camero? A POS?

The new one looks like a bloated miata in the front.
NetViper said:
That comment about the NSX looking like a civic for a distance. What a freaking idiot.

They're probably confusing the NSX with the RSX; not surprisingly. :rolleyes:

[Edit: I decided to register and read it. Apparently, he's driven the NSX, but I don't know... I can't think of which Civic he was looking at as I haven't yet seen a Civic that looks like the NSX] :rolleyes:
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Check out the thread now. We are having a great time with such high-class people! :) I am assuming it will be locked shortly.

James, I have a feeling you will be selling your C6 in the near future as I know you are better than those people.
KSNSX said:
Thread Closed.

Is it suprising the biggest mouth over there didn't even own a vette. He drives a lame GTO.

That was pretty funny. I think he got insulted when I told him his IQ was less than his HP/L :biggrin:

I don't understand why other sports car owners (like vettes) always feel the need to bash the NSX. We rarely bash any other car over here.
I registered just in time to have the thread shut down.

No offense to any Vette owners here, but the stereotypical Vette owner (represented well in that thread) is one of the main reasons why I didn't even consider getting a Corvette when I was on my sports car search. I picture a bunch of guys who would choose to have mullet hairdos if they didn't look ridiculous in their work attire with one.

I love Vettes, as I do any cool performance car. It's just unfortunate that there are people who are so judgmental yet uninformed toward other cars and their owners.
Viper Driver said:
No offense to any Vette owners here, but the stereotypical Vette owner (represented well in that thread) is one of the main reasons why I didn't even consider getting a Corvette when I was on my sports car search.

Not to stir the pot BUT, I don't understand that logic. Why would you pick a car based on the stereotypical owner. :confused: So, If a Stereotypical Ferrari owner is a rick SNOB, then you wouldn't buy a Ferrari. :confused:

I can think of MANY reasons to buy/not buy a car. However, not fitting a profile of a typical owner is definetly not one of them. I could care less IF it is a bunch of red neck mullets that drive corvettes. If I like the car I buy it. :tongue:

btw, somebody copy and paste the "discussion"
I feel a bit disgusted at how ugly that got near the end.

I will always be polite, courteous, and friendly. I will not talk down to or ignore anyone, and I will cheerfully answer all questions. Exotic owners wrongly suffer from a "snob" label. By actively and always countering this, I will strive to change this perception among all whom I met.


But that HP/IQ remark was friggin' hilarious. :biggrin:
KSNSX said:
Your grammer and spelling is only matched by your ignorance and lack of automobile acumen.
Nice thought, KSNSX, but you might want to spell-check that sentence before you post it. ;)

BlackBird#22 said:
netviper, who cares what the redline is. If you have the HP and Torque at 2000 rpm what does it matter if you redline at 6000 or 60000 rpm?
That remark shows a HUGE level of ignorance. That's a mistake that would never be made by any true car enthusiast - certainly anyone who has read Bruce Augenstein's article (posted on, of all places!), anyway.
I dunno. Sounds like typical marque and model bashing to me. I like Corvettes in general (the ZR-1, '63 Gran Sports are some favs) and their racing heritage is undeniable. But I like my NSX better. :wink: If you get in pissing matches with every new generation of internet car enthusiast, you'll be fighting a lost war.

Pfft. Who cares?

Though I do remember the good old days, before moderation, when these types of "battles" would go on for days and get really insulting. What fun! :wink:
Ponyboy said:
I dunno. Sounds like typical marque and model bashing to me.
Pfft. Who cares?
I'm with Ponyboy on this reaction. That's why I don't go into forums for other marques to defend the NSX. People in any given forum can be expected to defend their own car, in one way or another, as superior to every other car, otherwise they would have bought something else.

I think people who come here to NSXprime to diss the NSX are just basically insecure about their own cars and feel a need to diss others to get satisfaction. If they really enjoyed their own cars, they would stick to their own forums.

My suggestion: If you can, just ignore it, and don't let it get to you. If you can't, then try to stick to facts (numbers and specs and tests) about the NSX - and whatever you do, don't diss the other guy's car; otherwise, you're just as bad as they are. They bought their car for whatever reason, and they're entitled to enjoy it without being attacked in "their house". And this is true of everyone, from the lowliest Yugo or Trabant (do those cars have forums?) to the McLarens and Lamborghinis of the world.
NSXLuvr said:
Not to stir the pot BUT, I don't understand that logic. Why would you pick a car based on the stereotypical owner. :confused: So, If a Stereotypical Ferrari owner is a rick SNOB, then you wouldn't buy a Ferrari. :confused:

I can think of MANY reasons to buy/not buy a car. However, not fitting a profile of a typical owner is definetly not one of them. I could care less IF it is a bunch of red neck mullets that drive corvettes. If I like the car I buy it. :tongue:

btw, somebody copy and paste the "discussion"

I said "one of the main reasons," not THE reason. Don't take my words out of context. Conversely, I'm not going to go and buy an AMC Gremlin just beacuse I think the owners are cool, either.
Ponyboy said:
Copy and paste, por favor.

Please do not copy and paste threads like that from other forums to this one. If they want to have a car bashing thread over there that is their business. I don't want it here.
NetViper said:
I don't understand why other sports car owners (like vettes) always feel the need to bash the NSX.
IMHO for 2 reasons:
#1: The NSX is everything the Vette isn't. Expensive, Refined, Exotic, Reliable, Dependable, Value Holder, Rare, ...
#2: Someone eating Thickburgers at all and every meal will probably never justify paying for Filet Mignon.