Scammers are using compromised Prime member accounts to pose as a trusted seller in the marketplace. Before you enter into a deal with any seller, follow these tips to keep yourself safe. If you encounter one of these scammers, please report them immediately and we will lock their account.

    Caveat Emptor!

please be on the look out for stolen ScienceofSpeed products

19 January 2001
Chandler, AZ
hi guys -- I regret to announce over $5000.00 in goods were stolen by an individual in Markham, Ontario who purchased these goods with stolen credit cards. Unfortunately, due to limitations in the Visa / Mastercard system we are unable to automatically verify addresses for Canadian customers and we've taken the hit because of it.

The following items were stolen by an individual going by "Peter Chang" with a Mail Box Etc. address on 7357 Woodbine Ave; Markham, ON. Toronto Police and the FBI have been contacted. We're offering a $1000.00 reward for any information that leads to the prosecution of this individual.

Please look out for the following items for sale:

1. Honda JDM Short Gearset
2. ScienceofSpeed Non-compliance Toe Links
3. SicenceofSpeed Rear Beam Bushings (installed into one of our core factory beams)
4. ScienceofSpeed Non-compliance Pivot Clamp
5. TAITEC Rear Diffuser
6. Okuyama rear shock tower brace
7. NSX-R shift boot
8. ScienceofSpeed anti-sway bars

Thanks again for your support.

-- Chris
As someone who had this done to him once I would be happy to correct this problem if I lived near this guy. Luckily in my case I was able to track the guy down and got him to pay up for real about 2 hours before I called the police and had him arrested at his place of employment (I also spoke with the owner of the place he worked to let him know he had a thief working for him, which I guess was redundant!) I almost had to fly up to NJ to testify, but they ended up getting him without my help.
sorry to hear bout that and a shame that people like that exist in this community
What a piece of sh#t!!! He sure has good taste though!!!!

Hopefully the police can track this one down because stuff was shipped through the mail!!!
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:mad: will keep an eye out for u. :mad:
How does this happen??? When I order any parts, I have to have everything, even the shipping paid before the goods leave???

But in this case, I wonder how does he hopes to get away with something like this??? :confused:

You have a shipping address, so he must be going to pick the items up!

And the list of items seems pretty specific for someone wanting to sell them for a profit... So it looks like he actually has an NSX to put the stuff on! In which case it should not be too hard to track them down even if they have already picked up the goods...

Is it possible this is all a misunderstanding or something? Like an ex or something reported the cards stolen to spite him? or he asked a friend to put them on their credit card because he didn't have one and they shafted him?

Either way, I'm sure you will get either your money or the goods back Chris... I'll keep a lookout anyway!
NSXBOX said:
sorry to hear bout that and a shame that people like that exist in this community
Yup, thieves are not new to this community. There is at least one thief in Prime that repeatedly steals from Prime members. Oh well. I hope this stupid scumbag will be caught easily since the shipping address is there.:mad: :mad: :mad:
whiteNSXs said:
Yup, thieves are not new to this community. There is at least one thief in Prime that repeatedly steals from Prime members. Oh well. I hope this stupid scumbag will be caught easily since the shipping address is there.:mad: :mad: :mad:

what thief do we currently have on here? PM ME or post it so other know not to deal with this shady individual.
Sorry to hear that! :( What's the chance of catching and beating him up if the FBI and police is after him?
whiteNSXs said:
Yup, thieves are not new to this community. There is at least one thief in Prime that repeatedly steals from Prime members. Oh well. I hope this stupid scumbag will be caught easily since the shipping address is there.:mad: :mad: :mad:


Tell us how you "REALLY" feel about this "Thief":wink: :biggrin:

whiteNSXs said:
Yup, thieves are not new to this community. There is at least one thief in Prime that repeatedly steals from Prime members. Oh well. I hope this stupid scumbag will be caught easily since the shipping address is there.:mad: :mad: :mad:


People here will continue to send him money, so save your breath and let them learn on their own. :smile:
schuey1010 said:

People here will continue to send him money, so save your breath and let them learn on their own. :smile:

Who are we talking about? Ive done over 25 transactions on Prime and every time I send the parts first and collect later. Id hate to get ripped off and someone says "I told you so". Just tell us who the thief is?
how about doing a thread and periodically post updates and warning on "bad apples" in prime :rolleyes:
or perhaps the moderators could help to try and track down the Prime memebers with their e-mail address. :confused:
well i notice my last response on this thread got deleted...:confused:

so anyway that sucks sorry to hear chris...:mad:

last post i made mention something of the words "war" and the words "canada":tongue: :rolleyes: :biggrin: ...but i was only kidding but apparently the moderator didn't think so.