Planning to purchase NSX in the near future..

8 June 2009
Hello all!

I'm a 01 BB6 Prelude owner and I'm soon planning to get an NSX. I've checked the site around and I felt it was time to put out some questions, also before my log in name gets taken!

My biggest dilemma is to get a less expensive 91-94 5spd non-Targa or to go ahead and try for a 3.2l 6spd Targa.

Here's what I want out of getting an nsx, and hopefully your expert peoples can help me decide :-D

-I want it for the sporty/legendary/luxury that it is!
-I know it's not the fastest sports car in the world, but speed is definitely a factor.
-I will probably put 5000 or so miles on it per year, definitely less than 10000 since I'm keeping my Prelude still.
-I will "fix it up." just some minor bolt ons, nice/clean looking kit. Just to make it "mine" and unique :-). Nothing RICEY!! lol
-Tires are not an issue (I work at Yokohama Tire Corp. :-P)
-I'm young (21 this Nov LOL) so I'll probably put it as a weekend car to keep the cost down, but insurance is key as well.
-I the rare of Honda. so JDM is cool to me.
-Maintenance costs. Goods and bads. And again, it will be a weekend car :-) I still love my prelude mucho so it's great driving that still, but an NSX was always an achievable dream!

Any info you guys can give me will definitely help! Pros and cons, real life stories, anything! I'll probably read everything posted on this thread.

Thanks everyone!

Also, I'm in SoCal (Long Beach/LA area) so if there's any local meets, let me know! :-)
I recommend you take a ride in both.

There's not much difference cosmetically between a 91-94 and a 97+ ( save the black roof on the earlier models, the wheels, and the brighter colors on the later models ), but you might like the open feel of a targa.

The prices have really come down on the early model cars and some of the later ones have followed suit as well so a good deal can be had.

It's really up to you.

I had a 1991 Black coupe with 98 wheels and tires. Gorgeous car...when it was clean. Now I'd like a targa in the next 2 years or so. Preferences change.

Do make sure if you go with an early car ( 91,92 ) to check for important issues such as transmission and whether it falls in the snap-ring range, the window regulators, the AC, TB/WP has been done, coolant hoses have been done, clutch may have been done, and any maintenance pertaining to the mileage ( items such as the TB/WP and clutch also apply to the later models too ).

Happy hunting!
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Budget can play a big role. And since you are 21, I would not recommend you getting a loan/loc and trapping yourself in a bad situation. Given a reasonable budget range, search from there. The NSX for sale section can help you with the pricing.
definitely. I'm planning to do a good $10,000 down payment if i ever get one :P

I think I'm leaning towards a Targa one. I hate to end up getting a nonTarga and want it later on. I hate that feeling .. .

go on, im listening all :-)
Go with as new as of an NSX you can, if possible. I was 22 when i got my first (MY 92) NSX. Now im 23 and am looking for a MY 02+. Since ive owned my nsx, ive bought several other cars and really dont even drive the X much just cause of its age. Once I sell my 92, I will prob just save up for about a year and then begin the search. If its a car you plan on keeping for a long time, newer is always better. Just my .02 cents.
Go with as new as of an NSX you can, if possible. I was 22 when i got my first (MY 92) NSX. Now im 23 and am looking for a MY 02+. Since ive owned my nsx, ive bought several other cars and really dont even drive the X much just cause of its age. Once I sell my 92, I will prob just save up for about a year and then begin the search. If its a car you plan on keeping for a long time, newer is always better. Just my .02 cents.

I like that idea. So i'll definitely shoot for the 98-2000s (what i was really going for)

And yes, it's a car i'm planning to keep.

any more detailed info from anyone will definitely help :D
$10k isn't much of a down payment on a car that expensive. A $40k car with a 4 year loan is $500/month @ 6%

That's a pretty big commitment for a car that isn't your main method of transportation, and that has no warantee.

I decided I wanted to buy my car and just started shoveling as much money as I could into savings and ended up buying the car with cash way ahead of schedule. I was about to get a loan like you but I'm so damn glad I didn't. Car payments suck.

Nobody knows the specifics of your situation better than you do, but no car is fun if it gives you unwanted stress.

As my wife always says "you're going to do what you want anyway, no matter what I say." :biggrin:
$10k isn't much of a down payment on a car that expensive. A $40k car with a 4 year loan is $500/month @ 6%

That's a pretty big commitment for a car that isn't your main method of transportation, and that has no warantee.

I decided I wanted to buy my car and just started shoveling as much money as I could into savings and ended up buying the car with cash way ahead of schedule. I was about to get a loan like you but I'm so damn glad I didn't. Car payments suck.

Nobody knows the specifics of your situation better than you do, but no car is fun if it gives you unwanted stress.

As my wife always says "you're going to do what you want anyway, no matter what I say." :biggrin:

Definitely a good point. . unfortunately i don't make enough to save up $30-40k and pay the car cash, but i do make enough to slap that 10k~ down and pay it off fast by doubling the monthly.

but I will try my best to shovel up that 10k (maybe more if possible) as down and take than $500-600 monthly and try to pay almost double of it!

My main plan basically is get it with $10k or so down, and kill it asap with almost double payments. Interest will suck but it's my only bet.

I'm kinda young so i don't have massive bills yet, and make a good amount for my age. Will cross my fingers guys
That sounds like a pretty good middle ground to me. My only other concern would be making sure you have a safe place to keep the car. Crime seems to be on the rise recently as people get more desperate.
That sounds like a pretty good middle ground to me. My only other concern would be making sure you have a safe place to keep the car. Crime seems to be on the rise recently as people get more desperate.

lol well, where I live might make you laugh my friend

Long Beach California!!

well i live in a good neighborhood. It'll be parked next to my stepdads 05 Corvette in the garage if anything :-)
you may be able to afford double the ~$500/month payments, but make sure to consider any other payments you will have to make.

i have been given good advice from several different sources and would stress keeping your housing payment under 25% and your car payment under 15% of your salary after taxes...

this would make things less stressful and also allow you the financial freedom to move about. that being said, given the $500/month is 15% of your salary after taxes, that means you should be making around 55k/year.

i'm starting in the working world now armed with a pretty prestigious bachelors and masters degree in mechanical engineering and am looking to make around that much/more under the right conditions, so i am nearly in the same boat as you are. just keep in mind that spending that much is a large investment to make that you will be paying off for a while to come.
you may be able to afford double the ~$500/month payments, but make sure to consider any other payments you will have to make.

i have been given good advice from several different sources and would stress keeping your housing payment under 25% and your car payment under 15% of your salary after taxes...

this would make things less stressful and also allow you the financial freedom to move about. that being said, given the $500/month is 15% of your salary after taxes, that means you should be making around 55k/year.

i'm starting in the working world now armed with a pretty prestigious bachelors and masters degree in mechanical engineering and am looking to make around that much/more under the right conditions, so i am nearly in the same boat as you are. just keep in mind that spending that much is a large investment to make that you will be paying off for a while to come.

Well you're in the ballpark of my situation. Funny enough, i live at home and don't have any housing payment yet. I will soon have the same degree of a BS in engineering, so good show!

55k and then some is what I'm expecting after I get the degree, but make a close amount for not having it.

That's why planning on buying this car and getting rid of the huge total car payment before i move out is the main goal. My girlfriend lives locally, she'll be done with school the same time as I am, work isn't too far, and I don't have weird parents who want to get rid of me ASAP, so moving out is just impractical for me right now.

NSX first haha!
i used to love cars when i was 20, now im 23 just out of college... i wish i didnt spend that money...
student loans are a bitch... NSX is cool when you are 20, but hell doing monday morning quarterbacking right now i wish i used the car money in a more productive manner...
Theres no local meets in long beach or around there for NSX's. I have only seen dodge neons get together there. You have to go to the monthly Costa Mesa meet to really see a group of them. Otherwise you will see one here and there from time to time on the road.

I know theres at least 4 that reside in the Long Beach area including mine.

All the other ones I cannot confirm, because I do not know them and they could have just been passing through. I am sure there should be more.

So heres the facts:

3- Reds (1 red near me, one was in downtown lb, but he was selling, and one was cruising in the belmont shores area going home).
1- Blk (me)

I saw another black one before also.......

Good luck with your search and if you have questions you can always ask Jon Martin at Cerritos Acura for any questions on the NSX. He is a great resource for the community and is the person who I take my car to for service.
If you're budget is in any way limited my rule of thumb would be to shoot for a 91-92 or 94 if you can deal with a coupe. If you're dead set on a targa I'd really try to shoot for a 97+.

I did some calculations at one point and 91-92 and 97 are the best values for obvious reasons. 95, 96 and 01 are among the worst values. I ranked almost every year but can't remember how I did it...but it made sense at the time. :smile:

Since 95 and 96 are the cheapest targas but among the worst values I'd really push for the 97. A "B" grade 97 can be had for the price of an "A" grade 96 but you'll get so much more car and a year newer. I'd guess the market price of an "A" grade 97 is about where a "B" grade 97 would have been maybe a year ago.
if you want a targa 95 to 96 is the cheapest I picked mine up for 38 with 30,000 miles a few months ago eh not to bad but for like 2,000 more I could of got a 97 which is faster but it probably wouldnt of been in great condition like the one I picked up soooo you got to ask yourself do you want that extra 20 hps and maybe pay an extra 2,000 to 4,000 or just want a targa very badly like I said to myself and save a few thousand? lol

Good Luck man it took me a year and a half to find the one I got so I say take your time while you save up and you will find your dream NSX:cool:
From all that I have taken in from the forum, the hardtops are the way to go for the performance minded/track guys. Wife and I are more of the "crusing around" type and remove the top for the open-air feeling when we can. We had decided on a 95+ for this reason, really. Don't get me wrong, my 98 has the get-up-and-go and handling, I'm not as focused on racing the thing flat out! Question for yourself, what do you most want it for?

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Looks like you might also want to include your modifications into your budget along with maintenance/repairs, insurance, gas, monthly loan payments, etc. What price range are you looking at? for 97+ your probably looking at around 40k. I was in the same situation as you, I live in So Cali and targa top is the way to go. It took me 2 yrs of searching but I recently got my 95' targa about 2 weeks ago. Yes the 95' n 96' may be considered lowest valued NSXs, but for the price I got it for, it was definately a sweet deal. Good luck on your search!
its great to hear from all you guys!

basically, i mainly i want it for that top off california sunshine awesomeness haha. well again for speed too, but im not a "racer" just a spirited driver.

price range, honestly im hoping for a good $30-35 . . . and from what im hearing, saving up and searching/hunting is the way to go since some people here took a year+ to find the "right" one.

I'm definitely gonna keep up and hunt for the right one, and save up in the mean time

(also, i have no student loans, so no worries in that field lol)

But yes, i definitely want a Targa now. Again i'm not the track minded driver, so i probably want the 6spd so i can have the latest and newer options for the nsx :D